# Project Zeppelin / GDG DevFest 2014 site template
### About
Project Zeppelin allows you to setup awesome GDG DevFest site in 5 minutes.
Project is builded on top of [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) - simple, blog-aware, static site generator. Jekyll also happens to be the engine behind GitHub Pages, which means you can use Jekyll to host your website from GitHub’s servers for free. [Learn more about Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/).
Template is brought by [GDG Lviv](http://lviv.gdg.org.ua/) team.
### Live demo http://gdg-ukraine.github.io/devfest-2014/
### Features
* Easy to setup
* Simple and responsive design
* Inegrated speakers and sessions management
* SVG icons
* SEO friendly
### Quick-start guide
1. [Fork](https://github.com/GDG-Ukraine/devfest-2014/fork) this repo
2. Clone locally
3. Update ```_config.yml```
4. Select what content blocks do you need
5. Push changes to ```gh-pages``` branch
6. Enjoy your awesome DevFest site at ```http://[your github name].github.io/devfest-2014/```
## Local development
Check if you have [all requirments for local environment](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/), install [Jekyll server](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/quickstart/) gem and run this command from project root folder:
jekyll serve -w
Site will be available at
**NOTE:** in this mode all changes to html and data files will be automatically regenerated, but after changing ```_config.yml``` you have to restart server.
### Resource optimizations (optional)
You can optimize images and minify css and javascript automaticaly (for now only on Windows).
Optimize all images by running this script from `/automation/images/` folder:
Going to use template? Go on! The only thing we ask - let us know at [*lviv@gdg.org.ua*](mailto:lviv@gdg.org.ua) so we can include you to this list, or make a pull request.
* Design and markup: [Oleh Zasadnyy](https://github.com/ozasadnyy)
* Idea and Jekyll integration: [Vitaliy Zasadnyy](https://github.com/zasadnyy)
### Licence
Project is published under the [MIT licence](https://github.com/GDG-Ukraine/devfest-2014/blob/gh-pages/LICENSE.txt). Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don'y forget to add reference to authors :)