
271 lines
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Raw Normal View History

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2015-03-09 21:59:15 +01:00
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# Build Settings
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
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2014-10-19 16:06:07 +02:00
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2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Site Settings
title: "Premios de Datos Abiertos de Madrid 2017"
2017-10-07 21:47:39 +02:00
email: ""
description: "En colaboración con Medialab-Prado y el Laboratorio de Datos DataLab, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid lanza la segunda convocatoria de los concursos de Periodismo de Datos y Datatón Ciudad de Madrid con el objetivo de fomentar el uso de la información del sector público del Portal de Datos Abiertos"
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
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2015-03-14 01:10:59 +01:00
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2014-07-28 21:52:03 +02:00
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2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Organizer Info
2017-10-07 21:47:39 +02:00
organizerName: "Medialab-Prado"
organizerAlternateName: "DataLab"
organizerDescription: "Open and volunteer geek communities who create exciting projects and share experience about Google technology with passion."
2017-10-07 21:47:39 +02:00
organizerEmail: ""
organizerLogo: "/img/seo/organizer-logo.png"
organizerLink: ""
# Head
metaKeywords: "event, gdg, devfest, google, programming, android, chrome, developers, lviv"
twitterAccount: "@DevFest"
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socialImageSrcTwitter: "/img/seo/sharing-twitter.png"
socialImageSrcFacebook: "/img/seo/sharing-facebook.png"
# Documents
2015-03-14 01:10:59 +01:00
c4pUrl: ""
c4sponsorsUrl: "/assets/GDG_DevFest_Partnership.pdf"
# Navigation
2017-10-08 04:03:33 +02:00
- {permalink: "/", text: "Inicio"}
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
- {permalink: "/programa/", text: "Programa"}
2017-10-08 04:03:33 +02:00
- {permalink: "/proyectos/", text: "Proyectos"}
- {permalink: "/ponentes/", text: "Ponentes"}
- {permalink: "/blog/", text: "Blog"}
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
- {permalink: "/equipo/", text: "Equipo"}
2015-03-14 01:10:59 +01:00
- {link: "", text: "Become a speaker"}
2015-03-14 01:10:59 +01:00
- {link: "", text: "Become a speaker"}
2017-10-07 23:09:26 +02:00
# Home Block
homeImage: "medialab_exterior_architizer.jpg"
2017-10-07 23:09:26 +02:00
homeTitle: "Premios de Datos Abiertos de Madrid <typeout> 2017"
eventDate: "September - November, 2014"
# Hero Block
heroImage: "hero.jpg"
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
heroTitle: "DataMad <typeout> 2017"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
eventDate: "Octubre - Noviembre, 2017"
typeoutTextValues: '"", "Madrid", "Datos abiertos", "Periodismo de datos", "Datatón"'
typeoutFallback: "Datos abiertos"
2015-03-14 01:10:59 +01:00
- {link: "", text: "Become a speaker"}
- {permalink: "/#tickets", text: "Buy tickets"}
# About Block
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
aboutTitle: "Acerca del DataMad"
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
- {title: "Ponencias", image: "conference.jpg", text: "Representantes de organismos públicos nos hablarán de sus datos y servicios abiertos" }
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
- {title: "Datatón", image: "hackathon.jpg", text: "Full-day freestyle hackathon! Want some real team building on friday? Grab your team and join our hackathon!" }
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
- {title: "Premio Periodismo de Datos", image: "workshop.jpg", text: "Full-day of workshops, hands-on experience, hacking and debugging. Come and tame your favourite technology!" }
# Statistic Block
statisticBlockImage: "statistic.jpg"
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
- {count: "60", specialCharacter: "+", info: "asistentes", detail: "de diferentes perfiles"}
- {count: "48", specialCharacter: "+", info: "horas", detail: "de trabajo con datos abiertos"}
- {count: "4", specialCharacter: "+", info: "ponentes", detail: "de organismos públicos de la ciudad"}
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
- {count: "2", specialCharacter: "", info: "modalidades", detail: "una para profesionales y otra para estudiantes de cualquier disciplina"}
# Latest News Block
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
latestNewsTitle: "Últimas noticias"
# Rockstar Speakers Block
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
rockstarSpeakersImage: "medialab_auditorio_flickr.jpg"
rockstarSpeakersCount: 4
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
rockstarSpeakersTitle: "Expertos en datos abiertos"
rockstarSpeakersButtonText: "Ver todos los ponentes"
# Location Block
2017-10-07 21:47:39 +02:00
locationBlockTitle: "Lugar"
eventLocationName: "Medialab-Prado"
eventLocationLink: ""
eventStreetAddress: "Plaza de las Letras. Calle Alameda, 15 "
eventAddressLocality: "Madrid"
eventAddressLocalityRegion: "Madrid"
eventPostalCode: "28014"
eventAddressCountry: "Spain"
eventStartTime: "2017-10-20T10:00"
eventDoorTime: "09:00"
2017-10-07 21:47:39 +02:00
eventEndTime: "2017-10-22T20:00"
eventPlaceCoordinates: "40.41063,-3.69366"
mapCenterCoordinates: "40.41063,-3.69366"
mapMobileCenterCoordinates: "40.41063,-3.69366"
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Venue Block
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
venueBlockTitle: "Instalaciones"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
venueBigImage: "medialab_gente_currando2_flickr.jpg"
venueSmallImage1: "venue_1.jpg"
venueSmallImage2: "venue_2.jpg"
venueSmallImage3: "venue_3.jpg"
venueTitle: "Kinopalace Cinema"
venueFeatures: ["3 huge cinema screens", "Doulby Digital Surround EX audio system", "Located directly in the city center"]
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Tweets Feed Block
tweetsFeedImage: "twitter-feed.jpg"
tweetsFeedTitle: "What's Up?"
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
twitterHashTag: "datamad17"
twitterFeed: ""
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Partners Block
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
organizersTitle: "Organizan"
partnersTitle: "Colaboran"
partnersC4sponsorsButton: "Become a sponsor"
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Subscribe Block
subscribeImage: "subscribe.jpg"
subscribeTitle: "Subscribe for updates"
2015-03-14 01:10:59 +01:00
subscribeAction: ";id=ae0fb459fc"
subscribeInfo: "Registration will be open around end of August. Number of tickets are limited. Stay tuned!"
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Tickets Block
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
ticketsTitle: "Inscripciones"
2014-08-25 12:52:17 +02:00
ticketsInfo: "Tickets grant access to all conference sections, coffee brakes, lunch and party. Accommodation is NOT included in the ticket price."
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
name: "Presentación de proyectos"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
price: "13"
priceCurrency: "proyectos"
ticketsNumber: ""
2017-10-07 23:01:43 +02:00
buyButtonLink: ""
buyButtonText: "Buy Now"
ticketContentList: ["Lorem ipsum is simply", "Dummy text of the printing", "Typesetting industry"]
2017-10-07 23:13:38 +02:00
validFrom: "2017-08-25T10:00"
validThrough: "2017-09-30T23:59"
soldOut: true
soldOutText: "Plazo terminado"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
name: "Convocatoria de colaboradores"
price: "60"
priceCurrency: "personas"
ticketsNumber: "100"
ribbon: "-20%"
featured: true
buyButtonLink: ""
buyButtonText: "Buy Now"
ticketContentList: ["Lorem ipsum is simply", "Dummy text of the printing", "Typesetting industry"]
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
validFrom: "2014-10-09T00:00"
validThrough: "2014-10-19T23:59"
disabled: true
name: "Student"
price: "200"
priceCurrency: "UAH"
ticketsNumber: "50"
buyButtonLink: ""
buyButtonText: "Buy Now"
additionalInfo: "Requires a valid student ID at the conference check in. Without student ID at the check in, ticket will be cancelled without refund"
ticketContentList: ["Lorem ipsum is simply", "Dummy text of the printing", "Typesetting industry"]
validFrom: "2014-08-20T10:00"
validThrough: "2014-10-23T23:59"
soldOut: true
soldOutText: "Sold Out"
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Footer
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
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2017-10-08 04:03:33 +02:00
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title: "Links"
2017-10-08 04:03:33 +02:00
- {link: "", text: ""}
- {link: "http://", text: "Portal de datos abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid"}
title: "Contacts"
2017-10-08 04:03:33 +02:00
- {link: "", text: ""}
title: "FAQ"
- {permalink: "/cod/", text: "Code of Conduct"}
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Blog
2017-10-08 04:03:33 +02:00
blogTitle: "Últimas entradas"
blogCommentsEnabled: true
discusShortName: "devfestua"
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Speakers List Block
showSessions: true
# Team Block
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
teamBlockTitle: "Acerca de nosotros"
aboutUs: "Google's services have become synonymous with simple things online. Number of technological innovations and IT industries in which Google is creating new products is enormous. It's hard to get to know all of them, but realistic. This is why people have started to gather in small local groups and share their experience. Later, the following groups have been called Google Developer Groups. GDGs can take many forms -- from just a few people getting together to watch some videos, to large gatherings with demos, tech talks, hackathons and conferences."
2014-07-28 21:27:01 +02:00
# Logistics Find Way Block
findWayTitle: "Find your way here"
findWayDistance: "Distance"
findWayDriving: "DRIVING"
findWayWalking: "WALKING"
findWayBicycling: "BICYCLING"
findWayTransit: "TRANSIT"
findWayFindFlight: "Find Flight"
2017-10-07 21:47:39 +02:00
logisticsMapCenterCoordinates: "40.41063, -3.69366"
logisticsMapMobileCenterCoordinates: "40.41063, -3.69366"
2015-02-20 23:35:58 +01:00
logisticsMapAutoDirections: false
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
# Proyectos
hackathonTitle: "Proyectos"
enableHackathon: true
# Hackathon About Block
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
aboutHackathonTitle: "Proyectos seleccionados"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
- {title: "Refugiados: los animales abandonados en España", image: "hackathon-0.png", details: "Este proyecto nace de la voluntad de reducir la cantidad de ingresos de animales en refugios así como su estancia allí, sensibilizando acerca del tema del abandono y fomentado la adopción de animales abandonados. Inicialmente, el proyecto estará centrado en el caso del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, pero el objetivo futuro es tejer alianzas con otros centros municipales y refugios para trabajar juntos hacia el mismo objetivo."}
- {title: "Mayorcetes", image: "hackathon-1.png", details: "Un app donde una persona mayor que no se atreve por no saber buscar, o por motivo de movilidad, no acude a un centro para mayores para comer, tomar su cañita, bailar y conocer amig@s"}
- {title: "La historia de Madrid a través de sus calles", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Las calles y plazas son los sitios por los que transitamos, donde está nuestra casa, nuestro trabajo,el lugar al que vamos a comer o nuestro centro de salud. Es decir, los sitios en los que se desarrolla nuestra vida. Y sus nombres no son inocuos. Hay calles con nombres de personas, de lugares, de hechos históricos, de oficios, de animales.<br>Cuando las instituciones ponen nombre a las calles o plazas de nuestras ciudades hacen mucho más que una acción administrativa de identificación: rinden un homenaje a algo o a alguien. Normalmente, no hacemos demasiado caso a esos nombres y no nos detenemos a observar la importancia que tienen y que definen el carácter de la propia ciudad.<br>Si observamos un listado con los nombres de las calles y plazas de los 21 distritos de Madrid, nos llamará la atención la diferencia de número entre las dedicadas a hombres y a mujeres. También es importante saber el motivo por el que esas personas fueron merecedoras de una placa con su nombre, si pertenecían a la realeza, a la nobleza, al ejército, a la iglesia o si fueron reconocidas por sus méritos. Además del número de calles otorgadas a hombres y a mujeres, es importante saber dónde se sitúan éstas, en qué distritos y en qué barrios, ya que su relevancia histórica varía. Tampoco es lo mismo ser el nombre de una calle, que de una plaza, o de una avenida, o de las tres a la vez. O si es una vía peatonal o si sólo se pasa por ella en coche.<br>No solemos conocer la propia historia de la calle, cuándo se le dio su nombre y por qué se eligió ese nombre, si se ha cambiado a lo largo de la Historia, si tiene o no relación con el distrito al que pertenece, si supone un reconocimiento...<br><br>El proyecto parte de un archivo .csv con las calles actuales de los 21 distritos de Madrid que puede descargarse del portal de datos abiertos del ayuntamiento.<br>De manera consensuada, deberíamos poder establecer las diferentes categorías y subcategorías que existen en esas calles: personas (hombres y mujeres), animales, vegetales, lugares, hechos, obras..."}
- {title: "Pure Madrid", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Este proyecto consiste en una app que apoyada en un servidor permite a los usuarios conocer en cualquier momento es estado de la contaminación de Madrid y de las restricciones de tráfico asociadas.<br><br>El enfoque que le hemos dado a esta aplicación está centrado en la información que creemos quemás le puede interesar al usuario, que es la restricción de tráfico que pueda aplicarse cada día, sin tener que estar preocupado por no conocer el estado actual.<br><br>La motivación que nos ha llevado a presentar este proyecto fue el caos que organizó el año pasado al resultar que muchos ciudadanos no tenían disponible la información hasta el momento en el queencendían la radio o veían los letreros en las carreteras. Por esta razón el objetivo de esta aplicación será ayudar a los ciudadanos en la medida de lo posible a conocer los escenarios activados en cada momento."}
- {title: "Tripscore", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "Madrid On You", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "Aire de hoy, salud para mañana", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "DoctorData", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "La tecnología Blockchain en la admón. pública", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "MADMobility", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "M30, gestión inteligente del tráfico", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "Turisfy", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
- {title: "Mobilomics", image: "hackathon-2.png", details: "Polymer is a library that introduces web components. Web components are small elements on a page that can be extended and incorporated in web applications. The result is an increase in productivity.<br><br>We used Polymer mainly to explore the concept of web components. The transition of Google to material design was also a factor.While the library was never touched by the team, it still was painless to wireframe the application. Later on we incorporated some Polymer components in the design. We didnt use the full potential of Polymer because of the limited time."}
2014-08-27 23:49:51 +02:00
# Hackathon Judges Block
judgesImage: "judges.jpg"
2014-08-28 17:50:12 +02:00
judgesTitle: "Judges"
# Hackathon Prizes Block
prizesTitle: "Prizes"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
- {title: "2nd Place", image: "prize-2.png", info: "1.000 €"}
- {title: "1nd Place", image: "prize-1.png", info: "2.500 €"}
- {title: "3nd Place", image: "prize-3.png", info: "500 €"}
# Hackathon Location Block
2014-08-28 17:50:12 +02:00
hackathonLocationBlockTitle: "Location"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
hackathonLocationName: "Medialab-Prado"
hackathonLocationLink: ""
hackathonStreetAddress: "Plaza de las Letras. Calle Alameda,15"
hackathonAddressLocality: "Madrid"
hackathonAddressLocalityRegion: "Madrid"
hackathonPostalCode: "28014"
2014-08-28 17:50:12 +02:00
hackathonAddressCountry: "Ukraine"
hackathonTimeTitle: "Hack through"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
hackathonStartTime: "2017-10-20T10:00"
2014-08-28 17:50:12 +02:00
hackathonDoorTime: "09:00"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
hackathonEndTime: "2017-10-22T00:00"
viewOnMap: "View on Google Maps"
2017-10-08 03:30:28 +02:00
hackathonPlaceCoordinates: "40.41063, -3.69366"
hackathonMapCenterCoordinates: "40.41063,-3.69366"
hackathonMapMobileCenterCoordinates: "40.41063,-3.69366"