# Build settings markdown: kramdown permalink: pretty exclude: ['/automation/', 'README.md', 'LICENCE.txt', 'CNAME'] # Site settings title: GDG DevFest Season 2014 email: lviv@gdg.org.ua description: "GDG DevFest is a set of events all around the world" baseurl: "/zeppelin" url: "http://gdg-ukraine.github.io" permalink: /blog/:title googleAnalyticsTrackingId: "UA-43643469-3" googleAnalyticsSiteUrl: "gdg-ukraine.github.io" # Location block eventLocationName: "Conference Hall" eventLocationAddress: "22 Teatral'na St, Lviv" eventStartTime: "2014-10-18T10:00" eventStartTimeHumanReadable: "10:00" eventEndTime: "2014-10-18T20:00" eventEndTimeHumanReadable: "20:00" eventPlaceCoordinates: "49.843237,24.028751" mapCenterCoordinates: "49.842537,24.025701" mapMobileCenterCoordinates: "49.841620, 24.029411" # Logistics Location Block logisticsMapCenterCoordinates: "49.056728, 3.117289" logisticsMapMobileCenterCoordinates: "48.335365, 23.711648" #Tweets feed twitterHashTag: "devfest" twitterFeed: "http://lviv.gdg.org.ua/tweetledee/favoritesjson.php?c=10&cache_interval=900" # Subscribe subscribeAction: "http://gdg.us5.list-manage1.com/subscribe/post?u=9fc8aa205b0521b5f05fc8e1e&id=ae0fb459fc" # Documents c4pUrl: "http://bit.ly/dfua-c4p" c4sponsorsUrl: "/assets/GDG_DevFest_Partnership.pdf" # Head metaKeywords: "event, gdg, devfest, google, programming, android, chrome, developers, lviv" twitterAccount: "@DevFest" socialImageSrcGooglePlus: "/img/seo/sharing-google-plus.png" socialImageSrcTwitter: "/img/seo/sharing-twitter.png" socialImageSrcFacebook: "/img/seo/sharing-facebook.png" # Header eventDate: "September - November, 2014" typeoutTextValues: '"", "Season", "Ukraine", "Germany", "USA"' # About Event Block eventName: "GDG DevFest" # Team Block aboutUs: Google's services have become synonymous with simple things online. Number of technological innovations and IT industries in which Google is creating new products is enormous. It's hard to get to know all of them, but realistic. This is why people have started to gather in small local groups and share their experience. Later, the following groups have been called Google Developer Groups. GDGs can take many forms -- from just a few people getting together to watch some videos, to large gatherings with demos, tech talks, hackathons and conferences. # Speakers List Block showSessions: true thumbnailsFolder: /img/speakers/ # Footer gplusFollowUsUrl: "https://plus.google.com/b/102444623953913144164" twitterFollowUsUrl: "https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=GDGLviv" fbFollowUsUrl: "https://facebook.com/GDGLviv" # Blog blogCommentsEnabled: true discusShortName: "devfestua"