# Project Zeppelin / GDG DevFest 2014 site template ### About Project Zeppelin allows you to setup awesome GDG DevFest site in 5 minutes. Project is builded on top of [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) - simple, blog-aware, static site generator. Jekyll also happens to be the engine behind GitHub Pages, which means you can use Jekyll to host your website from GitHub’s servers for free. [Learn more about Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/). Template is brought by [GDG Lviv](http://lviv.gdg.org.ua/) team. ### Live demo http://gdg-x.github.io/zeppelin/ ### Features * Easy to setup * Simple and responsive design * Integrated speakers and sessions management * SVG icons * SEO friendly ### Quick-start guide 1. [Fork](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin/fork) this repo 2. Clone locally 3. Update ```_config.yml``` 4. Select what content blocks do you need 5. Push changes to ```gh-pages``` branch 6. Enjoy your awesome DevFest site at ```http://[your github name].github.io/zeppelin/``` Or watch project presentation from [GDG[x] Townhall meeting](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYmhheoLjcI). Slides available [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19aM7yNl_orDaCNND5LpCY3fShb6PyMltnzYfKvV8R_8/edit?usp=sharing) ## Local development Check if you have [all requirments for local environment](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/), install [Jekyll server](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/quickstart/) gem. Install GitHub pages ```bash gem install github-pages ``` Run this command from project root folder: ```bash jekyll serve -w ``` Site will be available at or http://localhost:4000/zeppelin/ (on Windows) **NOTE:** in this mode all changes to html and data files will be automatically regenerated, but after changing ```_config.yml``` you have to restart server. ### Sass(Compass) support Install the latest version of [Compass](http://compass-style.org/). Ruby uses Gems to manage its various packages of code like Sass. In your open terminal window type: ```bash gem install compass --pre ``` Then for combining media queries you can use [Sass::MediaQueryCombiner](https://github.com/aaronjensen/sass-media_query_combiner) plugin. Install with command ```bash gem install sass-media_query_combiner ``` And for prefixing css3 properties use [Autoprefixer](https://github.com/ai/autoprefixer) ```bash gem install autoprefixer-rails ``` **Note:** Also you need to install [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/download/) To watch changes of `.sass` files and compile it to the `.css` on a fly change property `safe: true` to `safe: false` in `_config.yml`. **Note: It works only on local machine, because GitHub runs Jekyll in `--save` [mode](https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/#configuration-overrides)** Learn more about Sass development from [documentation](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin/wiki/Sass-development). ### Resource optimizations (optional) You can optimize images and minify css and javascript automaticaly (for now only on Windows). But for Mac OS users available amazing tool - [imageoptim](https://imageoptim.com/). Thanks [@raphaelsavina](https://github.com/raphaelsavina) for link. Optimize all images by running this script from `/automation/images/` folder: ```bash all_image_optimization.bat -d -jtran -pout -pquant -optip -gsicle -svgo ``` To minify CSS and JS run `minify_all.bat` from `/automation/minifying/` folder: ```bash minify_all.bat ``` Learn more about available optimization options from [documentation](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin/wiki/Resources-optimizations). ### Documentation Quick-start guide is not enough? Checkout [full documentation](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin/wiki). ### TODO List * Optimization scripts for mac and linux ### Known issues * Scrolling on open navbar ### Used libraries * [Bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap) * [Animate.css](https://github.com/daneden/animate.css) * [Waves](https://github.com/publicis-indonesia/Waves) * [jquery.appear](https://github.com/bas2k/jquery.appear) * [jQuery countTo Plugin](https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo) * [Typed.js](https://github.com/mattboldt/typed.js) * [Sticky-kit](https://github.com/leafo/sticky-kit) ### Who is using template? Going to use template? Go on! The only thing we ask - let us know at [*lviv@gdg.org.ua*](mailto:lviv@gdg.org.ua) so we can include you to this list, or make a pull request. | | | | |------|------|------| | [GDG DevFest Ukraine 2014](http://devfest.gdg.org.ua/) | [GDG DevFest Istanbul 2014](http://devfesttr.com/) | [GDG Bangalore Site](http://gdgbangalore.github.io/) | | [GDG DevFest Omsk 2014](http://gdg-devfest-omsk.org/) | [2014 南阳 GDG Devfest 大会](http://devfest.gdgny.org) | [DevFest Nordeste 2014](http://2014.devfestne.com.br/) | | [GDG DevFest The Netherlands](http://www.devfest.nl/) | [DevFest Centro-Oeste 2014](http://www.devfestcentrooeste.com.br/) | [Android DevFest Space Coast](http://gdg-space-coast.github.io/zeppelin/) | | [DevFest SP 2014](http://sp.devfest.com.br/) | [DevFest in Baroda](http://devfest.gdgbaroda.com/) | [GDG Hi Pic (France)](http://maximemularz.github.io/zeppelin/) | | [GDG DevFest Córdoba 2014](http://gdgcordoba.github.io/zeppelin/) | [GDG DevFest Düsseldorf 2014](http://www.gdg-dus.de/DevFest2014/) | [GDG Makerere DevFest 2014](http://gdgmakerere.github.io/) | | [GDG Dublin DevFest 2014](http://gdg-dublin.appspot.com/) | [GDG Busitema DevFest 2014](http://gdgbusitema.github.io/) | [DevFest Vienna 2014](http://www.devfest.at/) | | [Android Wear DevFest](http://devfest.gdgnorthjersey.com/wear2014/) | [GDG SLAU DevFest 2014](http://gdgslau.github.io/) | [Lima DevFest](http://limadevfest.com/) | | [GDG Korea DevFair 2014](http://devfair2014.gdg.kr/) | [GDG DevFest Kota Kinabalu 2014](http://devfest.gdgkk.info/) | [GDG DevFest Belgium](http://gdg-brussels.org/DevFest2014/) | | [DevFest Praha 2014](http://devfest.cz/) | [GDG DevFest Kosice](http://devfest.sk/) | [GDG DevFest Cagayan de Oro](http://devfest.gdgcdo.org/) | | [DevFest Birgunj](http://gdgbirgunj.github.io/DevFest2014/) | [GDG DevFest Poland](http://devfest.pl/) | [GDG DevFest Silicon Valley](http://devfest2014.gdgsv.com/) | | [DevFest Chennai 2014](http://devfest.gdgchennai.com/) | [GDG DevFest Bari](http://gdgbari.github.io/zeppelin/) | [GDG DevFest Ahmedabad](http://devfest.gdgahmedabad.com/) | | [GDG DevFest Sri Lanka](http://www.devfestlk.org/) | [GDG DevFest Tunis](http://devfest.gdgtunis.org/) | [GDG DevFest Kozhikode](http://devfest.gdgkozhikode.org/) | | [GDG DevFest Argentina](http://devfest.gdg.com.ar/) | [GDG DevFest Bhubaneswar](http://devfest2014.gdgbbsr.com/) | [GDG DevFest Miage Gi](http://gdgmiagegilab.github.io/) | | [GDG DevFest NORTE](http://norte.devfest.com.br/) | [GDG Devfest Nyeri 2014](http://devfest.gdgkimathiuniversity.com/) | [GDG DevFest Paris](http://devfest.gdgparis.com/) | |[GDG Akure](http://gdgakure.github.io/)|[MENAT GDG Summit 2014](http://summit.gdg-menat.com/)| ### Contributors * Design and web development: [Oleh Zasadnyy](https://github.com/ozasadnyy) * Idea: [Vitaliy Zasadnyy](https://github.com/zasadnyy) ### Licence Project is published under the [MIT licence](https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin/blob/master/LICENSE.txt). Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors :)