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2017-09-25 14:03:53 +02:00
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Tooltip */
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-1',
content: 'This is a basic jBox tooltip'
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-2',
theme: 'TooltipBorderThick',
width: 200,
position: {
x: 'left',
y: 'center'
outside: 'x',
pointer: 'top:15',
content: 'You have many options to position and animate your jBoxes',
animation: 'move'
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-3',
theme: 'TooltipDark',
animation: 'zoomOut',
content: 'Use themes to change appearance',
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-4',
width: 300,
pointer: 'right:80',
animation: 'move',
delayOpen: 1000,
delayClose: 2000,
content: 'This tooltip waits 1 second to open and closes after 2 seconds',
onOpen: function() {
this.source.removeClass('active').html('Hover me');
onClose: function() {
this.source.removeClass('active').html('Hover me');
new jBox('Mouse', {
attach: '#Tooltip-5',
position: {x: 'right', y: 'bottom'},
content: 'I will follow you!'
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-6',
width: 280,
closeOnMouseleave: true,
animation: 'zoomIn',
content: 'I won\'t close when you move your mouse over me'
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-7',
target: '#Tooltip-1',
theme: 'TooltipBorder',
trigger: 'click',
adjustTracker: true,
closeOnClick: 'body',
closeButton: 'box',
animation: 'move',
position: {
x: 'left',
y: 'top'
outside: 'y',
pointer: 'left:20',
offset: {
x: 25
content: 'You can position your tooltips at any element.<br>Scroll up and down to see this tooltip flip position!',
onOpen: function() {
this.source.addClass('active').html('Now scroll');
onClose: function() {
this.source.removeClass('active').html('Click me');
new jBox('Tooltip', {
attach: '#Tooltip-8',
theme: 'TooltipBorder',
trigger: 'click',
width: 200,
height: ($(window).height() - 160),
adjustTracker: true,
closeOnClick: 'body',
closeOnEsc: true,
animation: 'move',
position: {
x: 'right',
y: 'center'
outside: 'x',
content: 'Scroll up and down or resize your browser, I will adjust my position!<br><br>Press [ESC] or click anywhere to close.',
onOpen: function() {
this.source.addClass('active').html('Now scroll');
onClose: function() {
this.source.removeClass('active').html('Click me');
/* Modal */
new jBox('Modal', {
attach: '#Modal-1',
height: 200,
title: 'I\'m a basic jBox modal window',
content: '<div style="line-height: 30px;">Try to scroll ...it\'s blocked.<br>Press [ESC] or click anywhere to close.</div>'
new jBox('Modal', {
attach: '#Modal-2',
width: 350,
height: 200,
blockScroll: false,
animation: 'zoomIn',
draggable: 'title',
closeButton: true,
content: 'You can move this modal window',
title: 'Click here to drag me around',
overlay: false,
reposition: false,
repositionOnOpen: false
new jBox('Modal', {
attach: '#Modal-3',
width: 450,
height: 250,
closeButton: 'title',
animation: false,
title: 'AJAX request',
ajax: {
url: 'https://ajaxresponse.com/2',
data: {
id: '1982',
name: 'Stephan Wagner'
reload: 'strict',
setContent: false,
beforeSend: function() {
this.setTitle('<div class="ajax-sending">Sending AJAX request...</div>');
complete: function(response) {
this.setTitle('<div class="ajax-complete">AJAX request complete</div>');
success: function(response) {
this.setContent('<div class="ajax-success">Response:<tt>' + response + '</tt></div>');
error: function() {
this.setContent('<div class="ajax-error">Oops, something went wrong</div>');
/* Confirm */
new jBox('Confirm', {
content: 'Do you really want to do this?',
cancelButton: 'Nope',
confirmButton: 'Sure do!'
/* Notice */
$('#Notice-1').click(function() {
new jBox('Notice', {
content: 'Hello, I\'m a notice',
color: 'black'
$('#Notice-2').click(function() {
new jBox('Notice', {
animation: 'flip',
color: getColor(),
content: 'Oooh! They also come in colors'
$('#Notice-3').click(function() {
new jBox('Notice', {
theme: 'NoticeFancy',
attributes: {
x: 'left',
y: 'bottom'
color: getColor(),
content: 'Hello, I\'m down here',
audio: '../Source/audio/bling2',
volume: 80,
animation: {open: 'slide:bottom', close: 'slide:left'}
$('#Notice-4').click(function() {
new jBox('Notice', {
attributes: {
x: 'right',
y: 'bottom'
stack: false,
animation: {
open: 'tada',
close: 'zoomIn'
color: getColor(),
title: 'Tadaaa! I\'m single',
content: 'Open another notice, I won\'t stack'
/* Image */
new jBox('Image', {
imageCounter: true,
imageCounterSeparator: ' of '
/* Additional JS for demo purposes */
$('#Tooltip-4').mouseenter(function() {
}).mouseleave(function() {
$('.target-notice').click(function() {
$(this).addClass('active').html('Click me again');
}).mouseleave(function() {
$(this).removeClass('active').html('Click me');
var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'], index = 0;
var getColor = function () {
(index >= colors.length) && (index = 0);
return colors[index++];