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2017-09-25 14:03:53 +02:00
/* Playground Demo: Avatars */
// All data we are using for this demo we will store in the variable DemoAvatars
var DemoAvatars = {
Avatars: ['Stephan', 'Susan', 'Jack', 'Elizabeth', 'Fungus', 'Donald', 'Gary', 'Trixi', 'Samuel', 'Maria'],
Modals: {}
// All the magic happens in the function generateAvatarJBox
function generateAvatarJBox(initial)
// We only need to initialize the tooltips for the avatar collection once
// We can later refer to this jBox instance with DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltip
!DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltip && (DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltip = new jBox('Tooltip', {
theme: 'TooltipBorder', // We are using the border theme...
addClass: 'AvatarsTooltip', // ...and add a class so we can adjust the theme with CSS
attach: '[data-avatar-tooltip]', // We attach the tooltip to the elements with the attribute data-avatar-tooltip...
getContent: 'data-avatar-tooltip', // ... and also get the content from the same attribute
zIndex: 12000, // These tooltips have the highest z-index
animation: 'move',
// Adding the liked or disliked class depending on the container the avatar is in
onOpen: function () {
this.wrapper.removeClass('AvatarsTooltipLike AvatarsTooltipDislike').addClass('AvatarsTooltip' + (this.source.parent().attr('id') == 'LikedAvatars' ? 'Like' : 'Dislike'));
// When we are creating the initial jBox, reset global variables
if (initial) {
DemoAvatars.clicked = false;
DemoAvatars.current = -1;
// Increase current avatar index
// When we looped through all the avatars, show a jBox Modal with a hint that there are no more avatars nearby
if (DemoAvatars.current >= DemoAvatars.Avatars.length) {
DemoAvatars.Modals.AvatarsComplete = new jBox('Modal', {
// We use similar options to our Avatar modal so they look similar
id: 'AvatarsComplete',
addClass: 'AvatarsModal',
width: 300,
height: 250,
animation: 'zoomIn',
overlay: false,
blockScroll: false,
closeButton: false,
closeOnEsc: false,
adjustDistance: {
top: 40,
right: 5,
bottom: 55,
left: 5
footer: '<button class="button-close">Close</button>',
title: 'Whoops',
content: '<div>There are currently no more avatars near you</div>',
zIndex: 10000,
// Once this jBox is created, we tel the close button to close the initial avatar modal
onCreated: function () {
this.footer.find('button').on('click', function () {
// Nothing more to do, abort here
return null;
// We are creating a new jBox Modal with the avatars each time this function gets called
var jBoxAvatar = new jBox('Modal', {
addClass: 'AvatarsModal',
width: 300,
height: 250,
animation: 'zoomIn',
zIndex: 10000,
// Adjusting the distance to the viewport so we have space for the avatar collection at the bottom and the close button of the modal at the top
adjustDistance: {
top: 40,
right: 5,
bottom: 55,
left: 5
// We are setting these options differently for the initial and the following jBoxes
id: initial ? 'AvatarsInitial' : 'AvatarsModal' + DemoAvatars.current,
overlay: initial ? true : false, // Only one overlay is needed
blockScroll: initial ? true : false, // The initial jBox will block scrolling, no need for the others to o the same
closeButton: initial ? 'overlay' : false, // The initial jBox will have the close button in the overlay, the others won't need one
closeOnEsc: initial ? true : false, // Only the inital jBox can be closed with [ESC] button
// Placing the buttons in the footer area
footer: '<div class="clearfix"><button class="button-cross cross"></button><button class="button-heart heart"></button></div>',
// Open this jBox when it is being initialized
onInit: function () {
// Here we store the index we used for this jBox
this.AvatarIndex = DemoAvatars.current;
// When the jBox is created, add the click events to the buttons
onCreated: function () {
// Create the containers for the liked or disliked avatars
if (initial) {
$('<div id="LikedAvatars" class="AvatarsCollection"/>').appendTo($('body'));
$('<div id="DislikedAvatars" class="AvatarsCollection"/>').appendTo($('body'));
$.each(this.footer.find('button'), function (index, el) {
// Adding the click events for the buttons in the footer
$(el).on('click', function () {
// Storing a global var that the user clicked on a button
DemoAvatars.clicked = true;
// When a user clicks a button close the tooltips
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipLike && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipLike.close();
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipDislike && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipDislike.close();
// When we click a button, the jBox disappears, let's tell this jBox that we removed it
this.AvatarRemoved = true;
// Did we like or dislike the avatar?
var liked = $(el).hasClass('button-heart');
// Slide the jBox to the left or right depending on which button the user clicked
this.animate('slide' + (liked ? 'Right' : 'Left'), {
// Once the jBox is removed, hide it and show the avatar in the collection
complete: function () {
this.wrapper.css('display', 'none');
// Which container to use
var collectionContainer = liked ? $('#LikedAvatars') : $('#DislikedAvatars');
// If there if not enough space for the avatars to show in one line remove the first one
if (collectionContainer.find('div[data-avatar-tooltip]').length && ((collectionContainer.find('div[data-avatar-tooltip]').length + 1) * $(collectionContainer.find('div[data-avatar-tooltip]')[0]).outerWidth(true) > collectionContainer.outerWidth())) {
// Add the avatar to the collection
this.animate('popIn', {
element: $('<div data-avatar-tooltip="You ' + (liked ? 'liked' : 'disliked') + ' ' + DemoAvatars.Avatars[this.AvatarIndex] + '"/>').append($('<div/>').html('<img src="https://stephanwagner.me/img/jBox/avatar/' + DemoAvatars.Avatars[this.AvatarIndex] + '.svg"/>')).appendTo(collectionContainer)
// Attach the avatar tooltip
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltip && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltip.attach();
// Open another Avatar jBox
// When we open the jBox, set the new content and show the tooltips if it's the initial jBox
onOpen: function () {
// Set title and content depending on current index
this.content.css({backgroundImage: 'url(https://stephanwagner.me/img/jBox/avatar/' + DemoAvatars.Avatars[DemoAvatars.current] + '.svg)'});
// If it's the inital jBox, show the tooltips after a short delay
initial && setTimeout(function () {
// We are creating the two tooltips in a loop as they are very similar
$.each(['Dislike', 'Like'], function (index, item) {
// We store the tooltips in the global var so we can refer to them later
DemoAvatars['AvatarsTooltip' + item] = new jBox('Tooltip', {
theme: 'TooltipBorder',
addClass: 'AvatarsTooltip AvatarsTooltip' + item,
minWidth: 110,
content: item,
position: {
y: 'bottom'
offset: {
y: 5
target: '#AvatarsInitial .jBox-footer .button-' + (item == 'Like' ? 'heart' : 'cross'),
animation: 'move',
zIndex: 11000,
// Abort opening the tooltips when we clicked on a like or dislike button already
onOpen: function () {
DemoAvatars.clicked && this.close();
}, 500);
// If it's the inital jBox add onClose events
initial && (jBoxAvatar.options.onClose = function ()
// Loop through all avatar jBoxes and close them if they are not removed yet
$.each(DemoAvatars.Modals, function (index, jBox) {
jBox.id != 'AvatarsInitial' && !jBox.AvatarRemoved && jBox.close();
// Remove the collection containers with a sliding animation
$.each(['Liked', 'Disliked'], function (index, item) {
this.animate('slide' + (item == 'Liked' ? 'Right' : 'Left'), {
element: $('#' + item + 'Avatars'),
complete: function () {
$('#' + item + 'Avatars').remove();
// Close the tooltips
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipLike && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipLike.close();
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipDislike && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipDislike.close();
// If it's the inital jBox add onCloseComplete events
initial && (jBoxAvatar.options.onCloseComplete = function ()
// Loop through all modal jBoxes and remove them from DOM
$.each(DemoAvatars.Modals, function (index, jBox) {
delete DemoAvatars.Modals[jBox.id];
// Remove the tooltips from DOM
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipLike && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipLike.destroy();
DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipDislike && DemoAvatars.AvatarsTooltipDislike.destroy();
// Store the jBox in the modal collection
DemoAvatars.Modals[jBoxAvatar.id] = jBoxAvatar;
// On domready, add the click event to the button
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#DemoAvatars').click(function () { generateAvatarJBox(true); });