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2017-09-25 14:03:53 +02:00
* jBox is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create customizable tooltips, modal windows, image galleries and more.
* Author: Stephan Wagner (https://stephanwagner.me)
* License: MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
* Requires: jQuery 3.2.1 (https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js)
* Documentation: https://stephanwagner.me/jBox/documentation
* Demos: https://stephanwagner.me/jBox/demos
// AMD and CommonJS support: http://ifandelse.com/its-not-hard-making-your-library-support-amd-and-commonjs
(function (root, factory) {
// AMD support
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery'], function(jQuery) {
return (root.jBox = factory(jQuery));
// CommonJS support
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = (root.jBox = factory(require('jquery')));
// Browser
} else {
root.jBox = factory(root.jQuery);
}(this, function (jQuery) {
// The actual jBox plugin starts here
var jBox = function jBox(type, options) {
// Options (https://stephanwagner.me/jBox/options)
this.options = {
// jBox ID
id: null, // Choose a unique id, otherwise jBox will set one for you (jBox1, jBox2, ...)
// Dimensions
width: 'auto', // The width of the content area, e.g. 'auto', 200, '80%'
height: 'auto', // The height of the content area
minWidth: null, // Minimal width
minHeight: null, // Minimal height
maxWidth: null, // Maximal width
maxHeight: null, // Maximal height
// Responsive dimensions
responsiveWidth: true, // Adjusts the width to fit the viewport
responsiveHeight: true, // Adjusts the height to fit the viewport
responsiveMinWidth: 100, // Don't adjust width below this value (in pixel)
responsiveMinHeight: 100, // Don't adjust height below this value (in pixel)
// Attach
attach: null, // A jQuery selector to elements that will open and close your jBox, e.g. '.tooltip'
trigger: 'click', // The event to open or close your jBox, use 'click', 'touchclick' or 'mouseenter'
preventDefault: false, // Prevent the default event when opening jBox, e.g. don't follow the href in a link
// Content
content: null, // You can use HTML or a jQuery element, e.g. jQuery('#jBox-content'). The elements will be appended to the content element and then made visible, so hide them with style="display: none" beforehand
getContent: null, // Get the content from an attribute when jBox opens, e.g. getContent: 'data-content'. Use 'html' to get the attached elements HTML as content
title: null, // Adds a title to your jBox
getTitle: null, // Get the title from an attribute when jBox opens, e.g. getTitle: 'data-title'
footer: null, // Adds a footer to your jBox
isolateScroll: true, // Isolates scrolling to the content container
ajax: { // Setting an URL will make an AJAX request when jBox opens. Optional you can add any jQuery AJAX option (http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/)
url: null, // The URL to send the AJAX request to
data: '', // Data to send with your AJAX request, e.g. {id: 82, limit: 10}
reload: false, // Resend the AJAX request when jBox opens. Use true to send the AJAX request only once for every attached element or 'strict' to resend every time jBox opens
getURL: 'data-url', // The attribute in the source element where the AJAX request will look for the URL, e.g. data-url="https://ajaxresponse.com"
getData: 'data-ajax', // The attribute in the source element where the AJAX request will look for the data, e.g. data-ajax="id=82&limit=10"
setContent: true, // Automatically set the response as new content when the AJAX request is finished
spinner: true, // Hides the current content and adds a spinner while loading. You can pass HTML content to add your own spinner, e.g. spinner: '<div class="mySpinner"></div>'
spinnerDelay: 300, // Milliseconds to wait until spinner appears
spinnerReposition: true // Repositions jBox when the spinner is added or removed
// Position
target: null, // The jQuery selector to the target element where jBox will be opened. If no element is found, jBox will use the attached element as target
position: {
x: 'center', // Horizontal position, use a number, 'left', 'right' or 'center'
y: 'center' // Vertical position, use a number, 'top', 'bottom' or 'center'
outside: null, // Use 'x', 'y', or 'xy' to move your jBox outside of the target element
offset: 0, // Offset to final position, you can set different values for x and y with an object, e.g. {x: 20, y: 10}
attributes: { // Note that attributes can only be 'left' or 'right' when using numbers for position, e.g. {x: 300, y: 20}
x: 'left', // Horizontal position, use 'left' or 'right'
y: 'top' // Vertical position, use 'top' or 'bottom'
fixed: false, // Your jBox will stay on position when scrolling
adjustPosition: true, // Adjusts your jBoxes position if there is not enough space, use 'flip', 'move' or true for both. This option overrides the reposition options
adjustTracker: false, // By default jBox adjusts its position when it opens or when the window size changes, set to true to also adjust when scrolling
adjustDistance: 5, // The minimal distance to the viewport edge while adjusting. Use an object to set different values, e.g. {top: 50, right: 5, bottom: 20, left: 5}
reposition: true, // Calculates new position when the window-size changes
repositionOnOpen: true, // Calculates new position each time jBox opens (rather than only when it opens the first time)
repositionOnContent: true, // Calculates new position when the content changes with .setContent() or .setTitle()
// Pointer
pointer: false, // Your pointer will always point towards the target element, so the option outside needs to be 'x' or 'y'. By default the pointer is centered, set a position to move it to any side. You can also add an offset, e.g. 'left:30' or 'center:-20'
pointTo: 'target', // Setting something else than 'target' will add a pointer even if there is no target element set or found. Use 'top', 'right', 'bottom' or 'left'
// Animations
fade: 180, // Fade duration in ms, set to 0 or false to disable
animation: null, // Animation when opening or closing, use 'pulse', 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'move', 'slide', 'flip', 'tada' (CSS inspired from Daniel Edens Animate.css: http://daneden.me/animate)
// Appearance
theme: 'Default', // Set a jBox theme class
addClass: null, // Adds classes to the wrapper
overlay: false, // Adds an overlay to hide page content when jBox opens (adjust color and opacity with CSS)
zIndex: 10000, // Use a high z-index
// Delays
delayOpen: 0, // Delay opening in ms. Note that the delay will be ignored if your jBox didn't finish closing
delayClose: 0, // Delay closing in ms. Nnote that there is always a closing delay of at least 10ms to ensure jBox won't be closed when opening right away
// Closing
closeOnEsc: false, // Close jBox when pressing [esc] key
closeOnClick: false, // Close jBox with mouseclick. Use true (click anywhere), 'box' (click on jBox itself), 'overlay' (click on the overlay), 'body' (click anywhere but jBox)
closeOnMouseleave: false, // Close jBox when the mouse leaves the jBox area or the area of the attached element
closeButton: false, // Adds a close button to your jBox. Use 'title', 'box', 'overlay' or true (true will add the button to the overlay, title or the jBox itself, in that order if any of those elements can be found)
// Other options
appendTo: jQuery('body'), // The element your jBox will be appended to. Any other element than jQuery('body') is only useful for fixed positions or when position values are numbers
createOnInit: false, // Creates jBox and makes it available in DOM when it's being initialized, otherwise it will be created when it opens for the first time
blockScroll: false, // Blocks scrolling when jBox is open
draggable: false, // Make your jBox draggable (use 'true', 'title' or provide an element as handle) (inspired from Chris Coyiers CSS-Tricks http://css-tricks.com/snippets/jquery/draggable-without-jquery-ui/)
dragOver: true, // When you have multiple draggable jBoxes, the one you select will always move over the other ones
autoClose: false, // Time in ms when jBox will close automatically after it was opened
// Audio // You can use the integrated audio function whenever you'd like to play an audio file, e.g. onInit: function () { this.audio('url_to_audio_file_without_file_extension', 75); }
preloadAudio: true, // Preloads the audio files set in option audio. You can also preload other audio files, e.g. ['src_to_file.mp3', 'src_to_file.ogg']
audio: null, // The URL to an audio file to play when jBox opens. Set the URL without file extension, jBox will look for an .mp3 and .ogg file. To play audio when jBox closes, use an object, e.g. {open: 'src_to_audio1', close: 'src_to_audio2'}
volume: 100, // The volume in percent. To have different volumes for opening and closeing, use an object, e.g. {open: 75, close: 100}
// Events // Note that you can use 'this' in all event functions, it refers to your jBox object (e.g. onInit: function () { this.open(); })
onInit: null, // Fired when jBox is initialized
onAttach: null, // Fired when jBox attached itself to elements, the attached element will be passed as a parameter, e.g. onAttach: function (element) { element.css({color: 'red'}); }
onPosition: null, // Fired when jBox is positioned
onCreated: null, // Fired when jBox is created and availible in DOM
onOpen: null, // Fired when jBox opens
onClose: null, // Fired when jBox closes
onCloseComplete: null // Fired when jBox is completely closed (when fading is finished)
// Default plugin options
this._pluginOptions = {
// Default options for tooltips
'Tooltip': {
getContent: 'title',
trigger: 'mouseenter',
position: {
x: 'center',
y: 'top'
outside: 'y',
pointer: true
// Default options for mouse tooltips
'Mouse': {
responsiveWidth: false,
responsiveHeight: false,
adjustPosition: 'flip',
target: 'mouse',
trigger: 'mouseenter',
position: {
x: 'right',
y: 'bottom'
outside: 'xy',
offset: 5
// Default options for modal windows
'Modal': {
target: jQuery(window),
fixed: true,
blockScroll: true,
closeOnEsc: true,
closeOnClick: 'overlay',
closeButton: true,
overlay: true,
animation: 'zoomIn'
// Merge options
this.options = jQuery.extend(true, this.options, this._pluginOptions[type] ? this._pluginOptions[type] : jBox._pluginOptions[type], options);
// Set the jBox type
jQuery.type(type) == 'string' && (this.type = type);
// Local function to fire events
this._fireEvent = function (event, pass)
this.options['_' + event] && (this.options['_' + event].bind(this))(pass);
this.options[event] && (this.options[event].bind(this))(pass);
// Get a unique jBox ID
this.options.id === null && (this.options.id = 'jBox' + jBox._getUniqueID());
this.id = this.options.id;
// Correct impossible options
((this.options.position.x == 'center' && this.options.outside == 'x') || (this.options.position.y == 'center' && this.options.outside == 'y')) && (this.options.outside = null);
this.options.pointTo == 'target' && (!this.options.outside || this.options.outside == 'xy') && (this.options.pointer = false);
// Correct multiple choice options
jQuery.type(this.options.offset) != 'object' ? (this.options.offset = {x: this.options.offset, y: this.options.offset}) : (this.options.offset = jQuery.extend({x: 0, y: 0}, this.options.offset));
jQuery.type(this.options.adjustDistance) != 'object' ? (this.options.adjustDistance = {top: this.options.adjustDistance, right: this.options.adjustDistance, bottom: this.options.adjustDistance, left: this.options.adjustDistance}) : (this.options.adjustDistance = jQuery.extend({top: 5, left: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5}, this.options.adjustDistance));
// Save default outside position
this.outside = this.options.outside && this.options.outside != 'xy' ? this.options.position[this.options.outside] : false;
// Save where the jBox is aligned to
this.align = this.outside ? this.outside : (this.options.position.y != 'center' && jQuery.type(this.options.position.y) != 'number' ? this.options.position.x : (this.options.position.x != 'center' && jQuery.type(this.options.position.x) != 'number' ? this.options.position.y : this.options.attributes.x));
// Internal positioning functions
this._getOpp = function (opp) { return {left: 'right', right: 'left', top: 'bottom', bottom: 'top', x: 'y', y: 'x'}[opp]; };
this._getXY = function (xy) { return {left: 'x', right: 'x', top: 'y', bottom: 'y', center: 'x'}[xy]; };
this._getTL = function (tl) { return {left: 'left', right: 'left', top: 'top', bottom: 'top', center: 'left', x: 'left', y: 'top'}[tl]; };
// Get a dimension value in integer pixel dependent on appended element
this._getInt = function (value, dimension) {
if (value == 'auto') return 'auto';
if (value && jQuery.type(value) == 'string' && value.slice(-1) == '%') {
return jQuery(window)[dimension == 'height' ? 'innerHeight' : 'innerWidth']() * parseInt(value.replace('%', '')) / 100;
return value;
// Create an svg element
this._createSVG = function (type, options)
var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', type);
jQuery.each(options, function (index, item) {
svg.setAttribute(item[0], (item[1] || ''));
return svg;
// Isolate scrolling in a container
this._isolateScroll = function (el)
// Abort if element not found
if (!el || !el.length) return;
el.on('DOMMouseScroll.jBoxIsolateScroll mousewheel.jBoxIsolateScroll', function (ev) {
var delta = ev.wheelDelta || (ev.originalEvent && ev.originalEvent.wheelDelta) || -ev.detail;
var overflowBottom = this.scrollTop + el.outerHeight() - this.scrollHeight >= 0;
var overflowTop = this.scrollTop <= 0;
((delta < 0 && overflowBottom) || (delta > 0 && overflowTop)) && ev.preventDefault();
// Set the title width to content width
this._setTitleWidth = function ()
// Abort if there is no title or width of content is auto
if (!this.titleContainer || (this.content[0].style.width == 'auto' && !this.content[0].style.maxWidth)) return null;
// Expose wrapper to get actual width
if (this.wrapper.css('display') == 'none') {
this.wrapper.css('display', 'block');
var contentWidth = this.content.outerWidth();
this.wrapper.css('display', 'none');
} else {
var contentWidth = this.content.outerWidth();
// Set max-width only
this.titleContainer.css({maxWidth: (Math.max(contentWidth, parseInt(this.content[0].style.maxWidth)) || null)});
// Make jBox draggable
this._draggable = function ()
// Abort if jBox is not draggable
if (!this.options.draggable) return false;
// Get the handle where jBox will be dragged with
var handle = this.options.draggable == 'title' ? this.titleContainer : (this.options.draggable instanceof jQuery ? this.options.draggable : (jQuery.type(this.options.draggable) == 'string' ? jQuery(this.options.draggable) : this.wrapper));
// Abort if no handle or if draggable was set already
if (!handle || !(handle instanceof jQuery) || !handle.length || handle.data('jBox-draggable')) return false;
// Add mouse events
handle.addClass('jBox-draggable').data('jBox-draggable', true).on('mousedown', function (ev)
if (ev.button == 2 || jQuery(ev.target).hasClass('jBox-noDrag') || jQuery(ev.target).parents('.jBox-noDrag').length) return;
// Adjust z-index when dragging jBox over another draggable jBox
if (this.options.dragOver && this.wrapper.css('zIndex') <= jBox.zIndexMax) {
jBox.zIndexMax += 1;
this.wrapper.css('zIndex', jBox.zIndexMax);
var drg_h = this.wrapper.outerHeight();
var drg_w = this.wrapper.outerWidth();
var pos_y = this.wrapper.offset().top + drg_h - ev.pageY;
var pos_x = this.wrapper.offset().left + drg_w - ev.pageX;
jQuery(document).on('mousemove.jBox-draggable-' + this.id, function (ev) {
top: ev.pageY + pos_y - drg_h,
left: ev.pageX + pos_x - drg_w
}.bind(this)).on('mouseup', function () { jQuery(document).off('mousemove.jBox-draggable-' + this.id); }.bind(this));
// Get highest z-index
jBox.zIndexMax = !jBox.zIndexMax ? this.options.zIndex : Math.max(jBox.zIndexMax, this.options.zIndex);
return this;
// Create jBox
this._create = function ()
// Abort if jBox was created already
if (this.wrapper) return;
// Create wrapper
this.wrapper = jQuery('<div/>', {
id: this.id,
'class': 'jBox-wrapper' + (this.type ? ' jBox-' + this.type : '') + (this.options.theme ? ' jBox-' + this.options.theme : '') + (this.options.addClass ? ' ' + this.options.addClass : '')
position: (this.options.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'),
display: 'none',
opacity: 0,
zIndex: this.options.zIndex
// Save the jBox instance in the wrapper, so you can get access to your jBox when you only have the element
}).data('jBox', this);
// Add mouseleave event, only close jBox when the new target is not the source element
this.options.closeOnMouseleave && this.wrapper.on('mouseleave', function (ev) {
!this.source || !(ev.relatedTarget == this.source[0] || jQuery.inArray(this.source[0], jQuery(ev.relatedTarget).parents('*')) !== -1) && this.close();
// Add closeOnClick: 'box' events
(this.options.closeOnClick == 'box') && this.wrapper.on('touchend click', function () { this.close({ignoreDelay: true}); }.bind(this));
// Create container
this.container = jQuery('<div class="jBox-container"/>').appendTo(this.wrapper);
// Create content
this.content = jQuery('<div class="jBox-content"/>').appendTo(this.container);
// Create footer
this.options.footer && (this.footer = jQuery('<div class="jBox-footer"/>').append(this.options.footer).appendTo(this.container));
// Isolate scrolling
this.options.isolateScroll && this._isolateScroll(this.content);
// Create close button
if (this.options.closeButton) {
var closeButtonSVG = this._createSVG('svg', [['viewBox', '0 0 24 24']]);
closeButtonSVG.appendChild(this._createSVG('path', [['d', 'M22.2,4c0,0,0.5,0.6,0,1.1l-6.8,6.8l6.9,6.9c0.5,0.5,0,1.1,0,1.1L20,22.3c0,0-0.6,0.5-1.1,0L12,15.4l-6.9,6.9c-0.5,0.5-1.1,0-1.1,0L1.7,20c0,0-0.5-0.6,0-1.1L8.6,12L1.7,5.1C1.2,4.6,1.7,4,1.7,4L4,1.7c0,0,0.6-0.5,1.1,0L12,8.5l6.8-6.8c0.5-0.5,1.1,0,1.1,0L22.2,4z']]));
this.closeButton = jQuery('<div class="jBox-closeButton jBox-noDrag"/>').on('touchend click', function (ev) { this.close({ignoreDelay: true}); }.bind(this)).append(closeButtonSVG);
// Add close button to jBox container
if (this.options.closeButton == 'box' || (this.options.closeButton === true && !this.options.overlay && !this.options.title)) {
// Append jBox to DOM
// Fix adjustDistance if there is a close button in the box
this.wrapper.find('.jBox-closeButton').length && jQuery.each(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], function (index, pos) {
this.wrapper.find('.jBox-closeButton').css(pos) && this.wrapper.find('.jBox-closeButton').css(pos) != 'auto' && (this.options.adjustDistance[pos] = Math.max(this.options.adjustDistance[pos], this.options.adjustDistance[pos] + (((parseInt(this.wrapper.find('.jBox-closeButton').css(pos)) || 0) + (parseInt(this.container.css('border-' + pos + '-width')) || 0)) * -1)));
// Create pointer
if (this.options.pointer) {
// Get pointer vars and save globally
this.pointer = {
position: (this.options.pointTo != 'target') ? this.options.pointTo : this._getOpp(this.outside),
xy: (this.options.pointTo != 'target') ? this._getXY(this.options.pointTo) : this._getXY(this.outside),
align: 'center',
offset: 0
this.pointer.element = jQuery('<div class="jBox-pointer jBox-pointer-' + this.pointer.position + '"/>').appendTo(this.wrapper);
this.pointer.dimensions = {
x: this.pointer.element.outerWidth(),
y: this.pointer.element.outerHeight()
if (jQuery.type(this.options.pointer) == 'string') {
var split = this.options.pointer.split(':');
split[0] && (this.pointer.align = split[0]);
split[1] && (this.pointer.offset = parseInt(split[1]));
this.pointer.alignAttribute = (this.pointer.xy == 'x' ? (this.pointer.align == 'bottom' ? 'bottom' : 'top') : (this.pointer.align == 'right' ? 'right' : 'left'));
// Set wrapper CSS
this.wrapper.css('padding-' + this.pointer.position, this.pointer.dimensions[this.pointer.xy]);
// Set pointer CSS
this.pointer.element.css(this.pointer.alignAttribute, (this.pointer.align == 'center' ? '50%' : 0)).css('margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute, this.pointer.offset);
this.pointer.margin = {};
this.pointer.margin['margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute] = this.pointer.offset;
// Add a transform to fix centered position
(this.pointer.align == 'center') && this.pointer.element.css('transform', 'translate(' + (this.pointer.xy == 'y' ? (this.pointer.dimensions.x * -0.5 + 'px') : 0) + ', ' + (this.pointer.xy == 'x' ? (this.pointer.dimensions.y * -0.5 + 'px') : 0) + ')');
this.pointer.element.css((this.pointer.xy == 'x' ? 'width' : 'height'), parseInt(this.pointer.dimensions[this.pointer.xy]) + parseInt(this.container.css('border-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute + '-width')));
// Add class to wrapper for CSS access
this.wrapper.addClass('jBox-pointerPosition-' + this.pointer.position);
// Set title and content
this.setContent(this.options.content, true);
this.setTitle(this.options.title, true);
this.options.draggable && this._draggable();
// Fire onCreated event
// Create jBox onInit
this.options.createOnInit && this._create();
// Attach jBox
this.options.attach && this.attach();
// Attach document and window events
this._attachEvents = function ()
// Closing event: closeOnEsc
this.options.closeOnEsc && jQuery(document).on('keyup.jBox-' + this.id, function (ev) { if (ev.keyCode == 27) { this.close({ignoreDelay: true}); }}.bind(this));
// Closing event: closeOnClick
if (this.options.closeOnClick === true || this.options.closeOnClick == 'body') {
jQuery(document).on('touchend.jBox-' + this.id + ' click.jBox-' + this.id, function (ev) {
if (this.blockBodyClick || (this.options.closeOnClick == 'body' && (ev.target == this.wrapper[0] || this.wrapper.has(ev.target).length))) return;
this.close({ignoreDelay: true});
// Positioning events
if ((this.options.adjustPosition || this.options.reposition) && !this.fixed && this.outside) {
// Trigger position events when scrolling
this.options.adjustTracker && jQuery(window).on('scroll.jBox-' + this.id, function (ev) { this.position(); }.bind(this));
// Trigger position events when resizing
(this.options.adjustPosition || this.options.reposition) && jQuery(window).on('resize.jBox-' + this.id, function (ev) { this.position(); }.bind(this));
// Mousemove events
this.options.target == 'mouse' && jQuery('body').on('mousemove.jBox-' + this.id, function (ev) { this.position({mouseTarget: {top: ev.pageY, left: ev.pageX}}); }.bind(this));
// Detach document and window events
this._detachEvents = function ()
// Closing event: closeOnEsc
this.options.closeOnEsc && jQuery(document).off('keyup.jBox-' + this.id);
// Closing event: closeOnClick
(this.options.closeOnClick === true || this.options.closeOnClick == 'body') && jQuery(document).off('touchend.jBox-' + this.id + ' click.jBox-' + this.id);
// Positioning events
this.options.adjustTracker && jQuery(window).off('scroll.jBox-' + this.id);
(this.options.adjustPosition || this.options.reposition) && jQuery(window).off('resize.jBox-' + this.id);
// Mousemove events
this.options.target == 'mouse' && jQuery('body').off('mousemove.jBox-' + this.id);
// Show overlay
this._showOverlay = function ()
// Create the overlay if wasn't created already
if (!this.overlay) {
// Create element and append to the element where jBox is appended to
this.overlay = jQuery('<div id="' + this.id + '-overlay"/>').addClass('jBox-overlay' + (this.type ? ' jBox-overlay-' + this.type : '')).css({
display: 'none',
opacity: 0,
zIndex: this.options.zIndex - 1
// Add close button to overlay
(this.options.closeButton == 'overlay' || (this.options.closeButton === true && !this.titleContainer)) && this.overlay.append(this.closeButton);
// Add closeOnClick: 'overlay' events
this.options.closeOnClick == 'overlay' && this.overlay.on('touchend click', function () { this.close({ignoreDelay: true}); }.bind(this));
// Adjust option adjustDistance if there is a close button in the overlay
jQuery('#' + this.id + '-overlay .jBox-closeButton').length && (this.options.adjustDistance.top = Math.max(jQuery('#' + this.id + '-overlay .jBox-closeButton').outerHeight(), this.options.adjustDistance.top));
// Abort if overlay is already visible
if (this.overlay.css('display') == 'block') return;
// Show overlay
this.options.fade ? (this.overlay.stop() && this.overlay.animate({opacity: 1}, {
queue: false,
duration: this.options.fade,
start: function () { this.overlay.css({display: 'block'}); }.bind(this)
})) : this.overlay.css({display: 'block', opacity: 1});
// Hide overlay
this._hideOverlay = function ()
// Abort if the overlay wasn't created yet
if (!this.overlay) return;
// Hide overlay if no other jBox needs it
this.options.fade ? (this.overlay.stop() && this.overlay.animate({opacity: 0}, {
queue: false,
duration: this.options.fade,
complete: function () { this.overlay.css({display: 'none'}); }.bind(this)
})) : this.overlay.css({display: 'none', opacity: 0});
// Get the correct jBox dimensions by moving jBox out of viewport
this._exposeDimensions = function ()
// Move wrapper out of viewport
top: -10000,
left: -10000,
right: 'auto',
bottom: 'auto'
// Get jBox dimensions
var jBoxDimensions = {
x: this.wrapper.outerWidth(),
y: this.wrapper.outerHeight()
// Reset position to viewport
top: 'auto',
left: 'auto'
return jBoxDimensions;
// Generate CSS for animations and append to header
this._generateAnimationCSS = function ()
// Get open and close animations if none provided
(jQuery.type(this.options.animation) != 'object') && (this.options.animation = {
pulse: {open: 'pulse', close: 'zoomOut'},
zoomIn: {open: 'zoomIn', close: 'zoomIn'},
zoomOut: {open: 'zoomOut', close: 'zoomOut'},
move: {open: 'move', close: 'move'},
slide: {open: 'slide', close: 'slide'},
flip: {open: 'flip', close: 'flip'},
tada: {open: 'tada', close: 'zoomOut'}
// Abort if animation not found
if (!this.options.animation) return null;
// Get direction var
this.options.animation.open && (this.options.animation.open = this.options.animation.open.split(':'));
this.options.animation.close && (this.options.animation.close = this.options.animation.close.split(':'));
this.options.animation.openDirection = this.options.animation.open[1] ? this.options.animation.open[1] : null;
this.options.animation.closeDirection = this.options.animation.close[1] ? this.options.animation.close[1] : null;
this.options.animation.open && (this.options.animation.open = this.options.animation.open[0]);
this.options.animation.close && (this.options.animation.close = this.options.animation.close[0]);
// Add 'Open' and 'Close' to animation names
this.options.animation.open && (this.options.animation.open += 'Open');
this.options.animation.close && (this.options.animation.close += 'Close');
// All animations
var animations = {
pulse: {
duration: 350,
css: [['0%', 'scale(1)'], ['50%', 'scale(1.1)'], ['100%', 'scale(1)']]
zoomInOpen: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 180),
css: [['0%', 'scale(0.9)'], ['100%', 'scale(1)']]
zoomInClose: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 180),
css: [['0%', 'scale(1)'], ['100%', 'scale(0.9)']]
zoomOutOpen: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 180),
css: [['0%', 'scale(1.1)'], ['100%', 'scale(1)']]
zoomOutClose: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 180),
css: [['0%', 'scale(1)'], ['100%', 'scale(1.1)']]
moveOpen: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 180),
positions: {top: {'0%': -12}, right: {'0%': 12}, bottom: {'0%': 12}, left: {'0%': -12}},
css: [['0%', 'translate%XY(%Vpx)'], ['100%', 'translate%XY(0px)']]
moveClose: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 180),
timing: 'ease-in',
positions: {top: {'100%': -12}, right: {'100%': 12}, bottom: {'100%': 12}, left: {'100%': -12}},
css: [['0%', 'translate%XY(0px)'], ['100%', 'translate%XY(%Vpx)']]
slideOpen: {
duration: 400,
positions: {top: {'0%': -400}, right: {'0%': 400}, bottom: {'0%': 400}, left: {'0%': -400}},
css: [['0%', 'translate%XY(%Vpx)'], ['100%', 'translate%XY(0px)']]
slideClose: {
duration: 400,
timing: 'ease-in',
positions: {top: {'100%': -400}, right: {'100%': 400}, bottom: {'100%': 400}, left: {'100%': -400}},
css: [['0%', 'translate%XY(0px)'], ['100%', 'translate%XY(%Vpx)']]
flipOpen: {
duration: 600,
css: [['0%', 'perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg)'], ['40%', 'perspective(400px) rotateX(-15deg)'], ['70%', 'perspective(400px) rotateX(15deg)'], ['100%', 'perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg)']]
flipClose: {
duration: (this.options.fade || 300),
css: [['0%', 'perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg)'], ['100%', 'perspective(400px) rotateX(90deg)']]
tada: {
duration: 800,
css: [['0%', 'scale(1)'], ['10%, 20%', 'scale(0.9) rotate(-3deg)'], ['30%, 50%, 70%, 90%', 'scale(1.1) rotate(3deg)'], ['40%, 60%, 80%', 'scale(1.1) rotate(-3deg)'], ['100%', 'scale(1) rotate(0)']]
// Set Open and Close names for standalone animations
jQuery.each(['pulse', 'tada'], function (index, item) { animations[item + 'Open'] = animations[item + 'Close'] = animations[item]; });
// Function to generate the CSS for the keyframes
var generateKeyframeCSS = function (ev, position)
// Generate keyframes CSS
keyframe_css = '@keyframes jBox-' + this.id + '-animation-' + this.options.animation[ev] + '-' + ev + (position ? '-' + position : '') + ' {';
jQuery.each(animations[this.options.animation[ev]].css, function (index, item) {
var translate = position ? item[1].replace('%XY', this._getXY(position).toUpperCase()) : item[1];
animations[this.options.animation[ev]].positions && (translate = translate.replace('%V', animations[this.options.animation[ev]].positions[position][item[0]]));
keyframe_css += item[0] + ' {transform:' + translate + ';}';
keyframe_css += '}';
// Generate class CSS
keyframe_css += '.jBox-' + this.id + '-animation-' + this.options.animation[ev] + '-' + ev + (position ? '-' + position : '') + ' {';
keyframe_css += 'animation-duration: ' + animations[this.options.animation[ev]].duration + 'ms;';
keyframe_css += 'animation-name: jBox-' + this.id + '-animation-' + this.options.animation[ev] + '-' + ev + (position ? '-' + position : '') + ';';
keyframe_css += animations[this.options.animation[ev]].timing ? ('animation-timing-function: ' + animations[this.options.animation[ev]].timing + ';') : '';
keyframe_css += '}';
return keyframe_css;
// Generate css for each event and positions
this._animationCSS = '';
jQuery.each(['open', 'close'], function (index, ev)
// No CSS needed for closing with no fade
if (!this.options.animation[ev] || !animations[this.options.animation[ev]] || (ev == 'close' && !this.options.fade)) return '';
// Generate CSS
animations[this.options.animation[ev]].positions ?
jQuery.each(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], function (index2, position) { this._animationCSS += generateKeyframeCSS(ev, position); }.bind(this)) :
this._animationCSS += generateKeyframeCSS(ev);
// Add css for animations
this.options.animation && this._generateAnimationCSS();
// Block body clicks for 10ms to prevent extra event triggering
this._blockBodyClick = function ()
this.blockBodyClick = true;
setTimeout(function () { this.blockBodyClick = false; }.bind(this), 10);
// Animations
this._animate = function (ev)
// The event which triggers the animation
!ev && (ev = this.isOpen ? 'open' : 'close');
// Don't animate when closing with no fade duration
if (!this.options.fade && ev == 'close') return null;
// Get the current position, use opposite if jBox is flipped
var animationDirection = (this.options.animation[ev + 'Direction'] || ((this.align != 'center') ? this.align : this.options.attributes.x));
this.flipped && this._getXY(animationDirection) == (this._getXY(this.align)) && (animationDirection = this._getOpp(animationDirection));
// Add event and position classes
var classnames = 'jBox-' + this.id + '-animation-' + this.options.animation[ev] + '-' + ev + ' jBox-' + this.id + '-animation-' + this.options.animation[ev] + '-' + ev + '-' + animationDirection;
// Get duration of animation
var animationDuration = parseFloat(this.wrapper.css('animation-duration')) * 1000;
ev == 'close' && (animationDuration = Math.min(animationDuration, this.options.fade));
// Remove animation classes when animation is finished
setTimeout(function () { this.wrapper.removeClass(classnames); }.bind(this), animationDuration);
// Abort an animation
this._abortAnimation = function ()
// Remove all animation classes
var classes = this.wrapper.attr('class').split(' ').filter(function (c) {
return c.lastIndexOf('jBox-' + this.id + '-animation', 0) !== 0;
this.wrapper.attr('class', classes.join(' '));
// Adjust dimensions when browser is resized
if (this.options.responsiveWidth || this.options.responsiveHeight)
// Responsive positioning overrides options adjustPosition and reposition
// TODO: Only add this resize event when the other one from adjustPosition and reposition was not set
jQuery(window).on('resize.responsivejBox-' + this.id, function (ev) { if (this.isOpen) { this.position(); } }.bind(this));
// Fix audio options
jQuery.type(this.options.preloadAudio) === 'string' && (this.options.preloadAudio = [this.options.preloadAudio]);
jQuery.type(this.options.audio) === 'string' && (this.options.audio = {open: this.options.audio});
jQuery.type(this.options.volume) === 'number' && (this.options.volume = {open: this.options.volume, close: this.options.volume});
if (this.options.preloadAudio === true && this.options.audio) {
this.options.preloadAudio = [];
jQuery.each(this.options.audio, function (index, url) {
this.options.preloadAudio.push(url + '.mp3');
this.options.preloadAudio.push(url + '.ogg');
// Preload audio files
this.options.preloadAudio.length && jQuery.each(this.options.preloadAudio, function (index, url) {
var audio = new Audio();
audio.src = url;
audio.preload = 'auto';
// Fire onInit event
return this;
// Attach jBox to elements
jBox.prototype.attach = function (elements, trigger)
// Get elements from options if none passed
!elements && (elements = this.options.attach);
// Convert selectors to jQuery objects
jQuery.type(elements) == 'string' && (elements = jQuery(elements))
// Get trigger event from options if not passed
!trigger && (trigger = this.options.trigger);
// Loop through elements and attach jBox
elements && elements.length && jQuery.each(elements, function (index, el) {
el = jQuery(el);
// Only attach if the element wasn't attached to this jBox already
if (!el.data('jBox-attached-' + this.id)) {
// Remove title attribute and store content on element
(this.options.getContent == 'title' && el.attr('title') != undefined) && el.data('jBox-getContent', el.attr('title')).removeAttr('title');
// Add Element to collection
this.attachedElements || (this.attachedElements = []);
// Add click or mouseenter event, click events can prevent default as well
el.on(trigger + '.jBox-attach-' + this.id, function (ev)
// Clear timer
this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer);
// Block opening when jbox is open and the source element is triggering
if (trigger == 'mouseenter' && this.isOpen && this.source[0] == el[0]) return;
// Only close jBox if you click the current target element, otherwise open at new target
if (this.isOpen && this.source && this.source[0] != el[0]) var forceOpen = true;
// Set new source element
this.source = el;
// Set new target
!this.options.target && (this.target = el);
// Prevent default action on click
trigger == 'click' && this.options.preventDefault && ev.preventDefault();
// Toggle or open jBox
this[trigger == 'click' && !forceOpen ? 'toggle' : 'open']();
// Add close event for trigger event mouseenter
(this.options.trigger == 'mouseenter') && el.on('mouseleave', function (ev)
// Abort if jBox wasn't created yet
if (!this.wrapper) return null;
// If we have set closeOnMouseleave, do not close jBox when leaving attached element and mouse is over jBox
if (!this.options.closeOnMouseleave || !(ev.relatedTarget == this.wrapper[0] || jQuery(ev.relatedTarget).parents('#' + this.id).length)) this.close();
// Store
el.data('jBox-attached-' + this.id, trigger);
// Fire onAttach event
this._fireEvent('onAttach', el);
return this;
// Detach jBox from elements
jBox.prototype.detach = function (elements)
// Get elements from stores elements if none passed
!elements && (elements = this.attachedElements || []);
elements && elements.length && jQuery.each(elements, function (index, el) {
el = jQuery(el);
// Remove events
if (el.data('jBox-attached-' + this.id)) {
el.off(el.data('jBox-attached-' + this.id) + '.jBox-attach-' + this.id);
el.data('jBox-attached-' + this.id, null);
// Remove element from collection
this.attachedElements = jQuery.grep(this.attachedElements, function (value) {
return value != el[0];
return this;
// Set title
jBox.prototype.setTitle = function (title, ignore_positioning)
// Abort if title to set
if (title == null || title == undefined) return this;
// Create jBox if it wasn't created already
!this.wrapper && this._create();
// Get the width and height of wrapper, only if they change we need to reposition
var wrapperHeight = this.wrapper.outerHeight();
var wrapperWidth = this.wrapper.outerWidth();
// Create title elements if they weren't created already
if (!this.title) {
this.titleContainer = jQuery('<div class="jBox-title"/>');
this.title = jQuery('<div/>').appendTo(this.titleContainer);
if (this.options.closeButton == 'title' || (this.options.closeButton === true && !this.options.overlay)) {
// Adjust width of title
wrapperWidth != this.wrapper.outerWidth() && this._setTitleWidth();
// Make jBox draggable
this.options.draggable && this._draggable();
// Reposition if dimensions changed
!ignore_positioning && this.options.repositionOnContent && (wrapperHeight != this.wrapper.outerHeight() || wrapperWidth != this.wrapper.outerWidth()) && this.position();
return this;
// Set content
jBox.prototype.setContent = function (content, ignore_positioning)
// Abort if no content to set
if (content == null || content == undefined) return this;
// Create jBox if it wasn't created already
!this.wrapper && this._create();
// Get the width and height of wrapper, only if they change we need to reposition
var wrapperHeight = this.wrapper.outerHeight();
var wrapperWidth = this.wrapper.outerWidth();
// Move all appended containers to body
this.content.children('[data-jbox-content-appended]').appendTo('body').css({display: 'none'});
// Set the new content
switch (jQuery.type(content)) {
case 'string': this.content.html(content); break;
case 'object': this.content.html(''); content.attr('data-jbox-content-appended', 1).appendTo(this.content).css({display: 'block'}); break;
// Adjust title width
wrapperWidth != this.wrapper.outerWidth() && this._setTitleWidth();
// Make jBox draggable
this.options.draggable && this._draggable();
// Reposition if dimensions changed
!ignore_positioning && this.options.repositionOnContent && (wrapperHeight != this.wrapper.outerHeight() || wrapperWidth != this.wrapper.outerWidth()) && this.position();
return this;
// Set jBox dimensions
jBox.prototype.setDimensions = function (type, value, pos)
// Create jBox if it wasn't created already
!this.wrapper && this._create();
// Default value is 'auto'
value == undefined && (value = 'auto');
// Set CSS of content and title
this.content.css(type, this._getInt(value));
// Adjust title width
type == 'width' && this._setTitleWidth();
// Reposition by default
(pos == undefined || pos) && this.position();
// Set jBox width or height
jBox.prototype.setWidth = function (value, pos) { this.setDimensions('width', value, pos); };
jBox.prototype.setHeight = function (value, pos) { this.setDimensions('height', value, pos); };
// Position jBox
jBox.prototype.position = function (options)
// Options are required
!options && (options = {});
// Combine passed options with jBox options
options = jQuery.extend(true, this.options, options);
// Get the target
this.target = options.target || this.target || jQuery(window);
// Make sure target is a jQuery element
!(this.target instanceof jQuery || this.target == 'mouse') && (this.target = jQuery(this.target));
// Abort if target is missing
if (!this.target.length) return this;
// Reset content css to get original dimensions
width: this._getInt(options.width, 'width'),
height: this._getInt(options.height, 'height'),
minWidth: this._getInt(options.minWidth, 'width'),
minHeight: this._getInt(options.minHeight, 'height'),
maxWidth: this._getInt(options.maxWidth, 'width'),
maxHeight: this._getInt(options.maxHeight, 'height'),
// Reset width of title
// Get jBox dimensions
var jBoxDimensions = this._exposeDimensions();
// Check if target has fixed position, store in elements data
this.target != 'mouse' && !this.target.data('jBox-' + this.id + '-fixed') && this.target.data('jBox-' + this.id + '-fixed', (this.target[0] != jQuery(window)[0] && (this.target.css('position') == 'fixed' || this.target.parents().filter(function () { return jQuery(this).css('position') == 'fixed'; }).length > 0)) ? 'fixed' : 'static');
// Get the window dimensions
var windowDimensions = {
x: jQuery(window).outerWidth(),
y: jQuery(window).outerHeight(),
top: (options.fixed && this.target.data('jBox-' + this.id + '-fixed') ? 0 : jQuery(window).scrollTop()),
left: (options.fixed && this.target.data('jBox-' + this.id + '-fixed') ? 0 : jQuery(window).scrollLeft())
windowDimensions.bottom = windowDimensions.top + windowDimensions.y;
windowDimensions.right = windowDimensions.left + windowDimensions.x;
// Get target offset
try { var targetOffset = this.target.offset(); } catch (e) { var targetOffset = {top: 0, left: 0}; };
// When the target is fixed and jBox is fixed, remove scroll offset
if (this.target != 'mouse' && this.target.data('jBox-' + this.id + '-fixed') == 'fixed' && options.fixed) {
targetOffset.top = targetOffset.top - jQuery(window).scrollTop();
targetOffset.left = targetOffset.left - jQuery(window).scrollLeft();
// Get target dimensions
var targetDimensions = {
x: this.target == 'mouse' ? 12 : this.target.outerWidth(),
y: this.target == 'mouse' ? 20 : this.target.outerHeight(),
top: this.target == 'mouse' && options.mouseTarget ? options.mouseTarget.top : (targetOffset ? targetOffset.top : 0),
left: this.target == 'mouse' && options.mouseTarget ? options.mouseTarget.left : (targetOffset ? targetOffset.left : 0)
// Check if jBox is outside
var outside = options.outside && !(options.position.x == 'center' && options.position.y == 'center');
// Get the available space on all sides
var availableSpace = {
x: windowDimensions.x - options.adjustDistance.left - options.adjustDistance.right, // TODO: substract position.x when they are numbers
y: windowDimensions.y - options.adjustDistance.top - options.adjustDistance.bottom, // TODO: substract position.x when they are numbers
left: !outside ? 0 : (targetDimensions.left - jQuery(window).scrollLeft() - options.adjustDistance.left),
right: !outside ? 0 : (windowDimensions.x - targetDimensions.left + jQuery(window).scrollLeft() - targetDimensions.x - options.adjustDistance.right),
top: !outside ? 0 : (targetDimensions.top - jQuery(window).scrollTop() - this.options.adjustDistance.top),
bottom: !outside ? 0 : (windowDimensions.y - targetDimensions.top + jQuery(window).scrollTop() - targetDimensions.y - options.adjustDistance.bottom),
// Get the default outside position, check if box will be flipped
var jBoxOutsidePosition = {
x: (options.outside == 'x' || options.outside == 'xy') && jQuery.type(options.position.x) != 'number' ? options.position.x : null,
y: (options.outside == 'y' || options.outside == 'xy') && jQuery.type(options.position.y) != 'number' ? options.position.y : null
var flip = {x: false, y: false};
(jBoxOutsidePosition.x && jBoxDimensions.x > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.x] && availableSpace[this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.x)] > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.x]) && (jBoxOutsidePosition.x = this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.x)) && (flip.x = true);
(jBoxOutsidePosition.y && jBoxDimensions.y > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.y] && availableSpace[this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.y)] > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.y]) && (jBoxOutsidePosition.y = this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.y)) && (flip.y = true);
// Adjust responsive dimensions
if (options.responsiveWidth || options.responsiveHeight) {
// Adjust width and height according to default outside position
var adjustResponsiveWidth = function ()
if (options.responsiveWidth && jBoxDimensions.x > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.x || 'x']) {
var contentWidth = availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.x || 'x'] - (this.pointer && outside && options.outside == 'x' ? this.pointer.dimensions.x : 0) - parseInt(this.container.css('border-left-width')) - parseInt(this.container.css('border-right-width'));
width: contentWidth > this.options.responsiveMinWidth ? contentWidth : null,
minWidth: contentWidth < parseInt(this.content.css('minWidth')) ? 0 : null
jBoxDimensions = this._exposeDimensions();
options.responsiveWidth && adjustResponsiveWidth();
// After adjusting width, check if jBox will be flipped for y
options.responsiveWidth && !flip.y && (jBoxOutsidePosition.y && jBoxDimensions.y > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.y] && availableSpace[this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.y)] > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.y]) && (jBoxOutsidePosition.y = this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.y)) && (flip.y = true);
// Adjust width and height according to default outside position
var adjustResponsiveHeight = function ()
if (options.responsiveHeight && jBoxDimensions.y > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.y || 'y']) {
// Expose wrapper to get correct title height
var exposeTitleFooterHeight = function () {
if (!this.titleContainer && !this.footer) return 0;
if (this.wrapper.css('display') == 'none') {
this.wrapper.css('display', 'block');
var height = (this.titleContainer ? this.titleContainer.outerHeight() : 0) + (this.footer ? this.footer.outerHeight() : 0);
this.wrapper.css('display', 'none');
} else {
var height = (this.titleContainer ? this.titleContainer.outerHeight() : 0) + (this.footer ? this.footer.outerHeight() : 0);
return height || 0;
var contentHeight = availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.y || 'y'] - (this.pointer && outside && options.outside == 'y' ? this.pointer.dimensions.y : 0) - exposeTitleFooterHeight() - parseInt(this.container.css('border-top-width')) - parseInt(this.container.css('border-bottom-width'));
this.content.css({height: contentHeight > this.options.responsiveMinHeight ? contentHeight : null});
jBoxDimensions = this._exposeDimensions();
options.responsiveHeight && adjustResponsiveHeight();
// After adjusting height, check if jBox will be flipped for x
options.responsiveHeight && !flip.x && (jBoxOutsidePosition.x && jBoxDimensions.x > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.x] && availableSpace[this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.x)] > availableSpace[jBoxOutsidePosition.x]) && (jBoxOutsidePosition.x = this._getOpp(jBoxOutsidePosition.x)) && (flip.x = true);
// Adjust width and height if jBox will be flipped
if (options.adjustPosition && options.adjustPosition != 'move') {
flip.x && adjustResponsiveWidth();
flip.y && adjustResponsiveHeight();
// Store new positioning vars in local var
var pos = {};
// Calculate positions
var setPosition = function (p)
// Set number positions
if (jQuery.type(options.position[p]) == 'number') {
pos[options.attributes[p]] = options.position[p];
// We have a target, so use 'left' or 'top' as attributes
var a = options.attributes[p] = (p == 'x' ? 'left' : 'top');
// Start at target position
pos[a] = targetDimensions[a];
// Set centered position
if (options.position[p] == 'center') {
pos[a] += Math.ceil((targetDimensions[p] - jBoxDimensions[p]) / 2);
// If the target is the window, adjust centered position depending on adjustDistance
(this.target != 'mouse' && this.target[0] && this.target[0] == jQuery(window)[0]) && (pos[a] += (options.adjustDistance[a] - options.adjustDistance[this._getOpp(a)]) * 0.5);
// Move inside
(a != options.position[p]) && (pos[a] += targetDimensions[p] - jBoxDimensions[p]);
// Move outside
(options.outside == p || options.outside == 'xy') && (pos[a] += jBoxDimensions[p] * (a != options.position[p] ? 1 : -1));
// Set position including offset
// Adjust position depending on pointer align
if (this.pointer && options.pointTo == 'target' && jQuery.type(options.position.x) != 'number' && jQuery.type(options.position.y) != 'number') {
var adjustWrapper = 0;
// Where is the pointer aligned? Add or substract accordingly
switch (this.pointer.align) {
case 'center':
if (options.position[this._getOpp(options.outside)] != 'center') {
adjustWrapper += (jBoxDimensions[this._getOpp(options.outside)] / 2);
switch (options.position[this._getOpp(options.outside)]) {
case 'center':
adjustWrapper += ((jBoxDimensions[this._getOpp(options.outside)] / 2) - (this.pointer.dimensions[this._getOpp(options.outside)] / 2)) * (this.pointer.align == this._getTL(this.pointer.align) ? 1 : -1);
adjustWrapper += (this.pointer.align != options.position[this._getOpp(options.outside)]) ?
// If pointer align is different to position align
(this.dimensions[this._getOpp(options.outside)] * (jQuery.inArray(this.pointer.align, ['top', 'left']) !== -1 ? 1 : -1)) + ((this.pointer.dimensions[this._getOpp(options.outside)] / 2) * (jQuery.inArray(this.pointer.align, ['top', 'left']) !== -1 ? -1 : 1)) :
// If pointer align is same as position align
(this.pointer.dimensions[this._getOpp(options.outside)] / 2) * (jQuery.inArray(this.pointer.align, ['top', 'left']) !== -1 ? 1 : -1);
adjustWrapper *= (options.position[this._getOpp(options.outside)] == this.pointer.alignAttribute ? -1 : 1);
adjustWrapper += this.pointer.offset * (this.pointer.align == this._getOpp(this._getTL(this.pointer.align)) ? 1 : -1);
pos[this._getTL(this._getOpp(this.pointer.xy))] += adjustWrapper;
// Add final offset
pos[options.attributes.x] += options.offset.x;
pos[options.attributes.y] += options.offset.y;
// Set CSS
// Adjust position
if (options.adjustPosition) {
// Reset cached pointer position
if (this.positionAdjusted) {
this.pointer && this.wrapper.css('padding', 0).css('padding-' + this._getOpp(this.outside), this.pointer.dimensions[this._getXY(this.outside)]).removeClass('jBox-pointerPosition-' + this._getOpp(this.pointer.position)).addClass('jBox-pointerPosition-' + this.pointer.position);
this.pointer && this.pointer.element.attr('class', 'jBox-pointer jBox-pointer-' + this._getOpp(this.outside)).css(this.pointer.margin);
this.positionAdjusted = false;
this.flipped = false;
// Find out where the jBox is out of view area
var outYT = (windowDimensions.top > pos.top - (options.adjustDistance.top || 0)),
outXR = (windowDimensions.right < pos.left + jBoxDimensions.x + (options.adjustDistance.right || 0)),
outYB = (windowDimensions.bottom < pos.top + jBoxDimensions.y + (options.adjustDistance.bottom || 0)),
outXL = (windowDimensions.left > pos.left - (options.adjustDistance.left || 0)),
outX = outXL ? 'left' : (outXR ? 'right' : null),
outY = outYT ? 'top' : (outYB ? 'bottom' : null),
out = outX || outY;
// Only continue if jBox is out of view area
if (out) {
// Function to flip position
var flipJBox = function (xy) {
this.wrapper.css(this._getTL(xy), pos[this._getTL(xy)] + ((jBoxDimensions[this._getXY(xy)] + (options.offset[this._getXY(xy)] * (xy == 'top' || xy == 'left' ? -2 : 2)) + targetDimensions[this._getXY(xy)]) * (xy == 'top' || xy == 'left' ? 1 : -1)));
this.pointer && this.wrapper.removeClass('jBox-pointerPosition-' + this.pointer.position).addClass('jBox-pointerPosition-' + this._getOpp(this.pointer.position)).css('padding', 0).css('padding-' + xy, this.pointer.dimensions[this._getXY(xy)]);
this.pointer && this.pointer.element.attr('class', 'jBox-pointer jBox-pointer-' + xy);
this.positionAdjusted = true;
this.flipped = true;
// Flip jBox
flip.x && flipJBox(this.options.position.x);
flip.y && flipJBox(this.options.position.y);
// Move jBox (only possible with pointer)
var outMove = (this._getXY(this.outside) == 'x') ? outY : outX;
if (this.pointer && options.pointTo == 'target' && options.adjustPosition != 'flip' && this._getXY(outMove) == this._getOpp(this._getXY(this.outside))) {
// Get the maximum space we have availible to adjust
if (this.pointer.align == 'center') {
var spaceAvail = (jBoxDimensions[this._getXY(outMove)] / 2) - (this.pointer.dimensions[this._getOpp(this.pointer.xy)] / 2) - (parseInt(this.pointer.element.css('margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute)) * (outMove != this._getTL(outMove) ? -1 : 1));
} else {
var spaceAvail = (outMove == this.pointer.alignAttribute) ?
parseInt(this.pointer.element.css('margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute)) :
jBoxDimensions[this._getXY(outMove)] - parseInt(this.pointer.element.css('margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute)) - this.pointer.dimensions[this._getXY(outMove)];
// Get the overlapping space
spaceDiff = (outMove == this._getTL(outMove)) ?
windowDimensions[this._getTL(outMove)] - pos[this._getTL(outMove)] + options.adjustDistance[outMove] :
(windowDimensions[this._getOpp(this._getTL(outMove))] - pos[this._getTL(outMove)] - options.adjustDistance[outMove] - jBoxDimensions[this._getXY(outMove)]) * -1;
// Add overlapping space on left or top window edge
if (outMove == this._getOpp(this._getTL(outMove)) && pos[this._getTL(outMove)] - spaceDiff < windowDimensions[this._getTL(outMove)] + options.adjustDistance[this._getTL(outMove)]) {
spaceDiff -= windowDimensions[this._getTL(outMove)] + options.adjustDistance[this._getTL(outMove)] - (this.pos[this._getTL(outMove)] - spaceDiff);
// Only adjust the maximum availible
spaceDiff = Math.min(spaceDiff, spaceAvail);
// Move jBox
if (spaceDiff <= spaceAvail && spaceDiff > 0) {
this.pointer.element.css('margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute, parseInt(this.pointer.element.css('margin-' + this.pointer.alignAttribute)) - (spaceDiff * (outMove != this.pointer.alignAttribute ? -1 : 1)));
this.wrapper.css(this._getTL(outMove), pos[this._getTL(outMove)] + (spaceDiff * (outMove != this._getTL(outMove) ? -1 : 1)));
this.positionAdjusted = true;
// Fire onPosition event
return this;
// Open jBox
jBox.prototype.open = function (options)
// Create blank options if none passed
!options && (options = {});
// Abort if jBox was destroyed
if (this.isDestroyed) return false;
// Construct jBox if not already constructed
!this.wrapper && this._create();
// Add css to header if not added already
!this._styles && (this._styles = jQuery('<style/>').append(this._animationCSS).appendTo(jQuery('head')));
// Abort any opening or closing timer
this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer);
// Block body click for 10ms, so jBox can open on attached elements while closeOnClick = 'body'
// Block opening
if (this.isDisabled) return this;
// Opening function
var open = function () {
// Set title from source element
this.source && this.options.getTitle && (this.source.attr(this.options.getTitle) && this.setTitle(this.source.attr(this.options.getTitle)), true);
// Set content from source element
this.source && this.options.getContent && (this.source.data('jBox-getContent') ? this.setContent(this.source.data('jBox-getContent'), true) : (this.source.attr(this.options.getContent) ? this.setContent(this.source.attr(this.options.getContent), true) : (this.options.getContent == 'html' ? this.setContent(this.source.html(), true) : null)));
// Fire onOpen event
// Get content from ajax
if ((this.options.ajax && (this.options.ajax.url || (this.source && this.source.attr(this.options.ajax.getURL))) && (!this.ajaxLoaded || this.options.ajax.reload)) || (options.ajax && (options.ajax.url || options.ajax.data))) {
// Send the content from stored data if there is any, otherwise load new data
(this.options.ajax.reload != 'strict' && this.source && this.source.data('jBox-ajax-data') && !(options.ajax && (options.ajax.url || options.ajax.data))) ? this.setContent(this.source.data('jBox-ajax-data')) : this.ajax((options.ajax || null), true);
// Set position
(!this.positionedOnOpen || this.options.repositionOnOpen) && this.position(options) && (this.positionedOnOpen = true);
// Abort closing
this.isClosing && this._abortAnimation();
// Open functions to call when jBox is closed
if (!this.isOpen) {
// jBox is open now
this.isOpen = true;
// Automatically close jBox after some time
this.options.autoClose && (this.options.delayClose = this.options.autoClose) && this.close();
// Attach events
// Block scrolling
this.options.blockScroll && jQuery('body').addClass('jBox-blockScroll-' + this.id);
// Show overlay
this.options.overlay && this._showOverlay();
// Only animate if jBox is completely closed
this.options.animation && !this.isClosing && this._animate('open');
// Play audio file
this.options.audio && this.options.audio.open && this.audio(this.options.audio.open, this.options.volume.open);
// Fading animation or show immediately
if (this.options.fade) {
this.wrapper.stop().animate({opacity: 1}, {
queue: false,
duration: this.options.fade,
start: function () {
this.isOpening = true;
this.wrapper.css({display: 'block'});
always: function () {
this.isOpening = false;
// Delay positioning for ajax to prevent positioning during animation
setTimeout(function () { this.positionOnFadeComplete && this.position() && (this.positionOnFadeComplete = false); }.bind(this), 10);
} else {
this.wrapper.css({display: 'block', opacity: 1});
this.positionOnFadeComplete && this.position() && (this.positionOnFadeComplete = false);
// Open jBox
this.options.delayOpen && !this.isOpen && !this.isClosing && !options.ignoreDelay ? (this.timer = setTimeout(open, this.options.delayOpen)) : open();
return this;
// Close jBox
jBox.prototype.close = function (options)
// Create blank options if none passed
options || (options = {});
// Abort if jBox was destroyed or is currently closing
if (this.isDestroyed || this.isClosing) return false;
// Abort opening
this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer);
// Block body click for 10ms, so jBox can open on attached elements while closeOnClock = 'body' is true
// Block closing
if (this.isDisabled) return this;
// Close function
var close = function () {
// Fire onClose event
// Only close if jBox is open
if (this.isOpen) {
// jBox is not open anymore
this.isOpen = false;
// Detach events
// Unblock scrolling
this.options.blockScroll && jQuery('body').removeClass('jBox-blockScroll-' + this.id);
// Hide overlay
this.options.overlay && this._hideOverlay();
// Only animate if jBox is compleately closed
this.options.animation && !this.isOpening && this._animate('close');
// Play audio file
this.options.audio && this.options.audio.close && this.audio(this.options.audio.close, this.options.volume.close);
// Fading animation or show immediately
if (this.options.fade) {
this.wrapper.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, {
queue: false,
duration: this.options.fade,
start: function () {
this.isClosing = true;
complete: function () {
this.wrapper.css({display: 'none'});
always: function () {
this.isClosing = false;
} else {
this.wrapper.css({display: 'none', opacity: 0});
// Close jBox
options.ignoreDelay ? close() : (this.timer = setTimeout(close, Math.max(this.options.delayClose, 10)));
return this;
// Open or close jBox
jBox.prototype.toggle = function (options)
this[this.isOpen ? 'close' : 'open'](options);
return this;
// Block opening and closing
jBox.prototype.disable = function ()
this.isDisabled = true;
return this;
// Unblock opening and closing
jBox.prototype.enable = function ()
this.isDisabled = false;
return this;
// Hide jBox
jBox.prototype.hide = function ()
this.wrapper && this.wrapper.css({display: 'none'});
return this;
// Show jBox
jBox.prototype.show = function ()
this.wrapper && this.wrapper.css({display: 'block'});
return this;
// Get content from ajax
jBox.prototype.ajax = function (options, opening)
options || (options = {});
// Add data or url from source element if none set in options
jQuery.each([['getData', 'data'], ['getURL', 'url']], function (index, item) {
(this.options.ajax[item[0]] && !options[item[1]] && this.source && this.source.attr(this.options.ajax[item[0]]) != undefined) && (options[item[1]] = this.source.attr(this.options.ajax[item[0]]) || '');
// Clone the system options
var sysOptions = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this.options.ajax);
// Abort running ajax call
this.ajaxRequest && this.ajaxRequest.abort();
// Extract events
var beforeSend = options.beforeSend || sysOptions.beforeSend || function () {};
var complete = options.complete || sysOptions.complete || function () {};
var success = options.success || sysOptions.success || function () {};
var error = options.error || sysOptions.error || function () {};
// Merge options
var userOptions = jQuery.extend(true, sysOptions, options);
// Set new beforeSend event
userOptions.beforeSend = function ()
// jBox is loading
// Add loading spinner
userOptions.spinner && (this.spinnerDelay = setTimeout(function ()
// If there is a dela
// Reposition jBox
// TODO: Only reposition if dimensions change
userOptions.spinnerReposition && (opening ? (this.positionOnFadeComplete = true) : this.position());
// Add spinner to container
this.spinner = jQuery(userOptions.spinner !== true ? userOptions.spinner : '<div class="jBox-spinner"></div>').appendTo(this.container);
// Fix spinners position if there is a title
this.titleContainer && this.spinner.css('position') == 'absolute' && this.spinner.css({transform: 'translateY(' + (this.titleContainer.outerHeight() * 0.5) + 'px)'});
}.bind(this), (this.content.html() == '' ? 0 : (userOptions.spinnerDelay || 0))));
// Fire users beforeSend event
// Set up new complete event
userOptions.complete = function (response)
// Abort spinner timeout
this.spinnerDelay && clearTimeout(this.spinnerDelay);
// jBox finished loading
this.wrapper.removeClass('jBox-loading jBox-loading-spinner jBox-loading-spinner-delay');
// Remove spinner
this.spinner && this.spinner.length && this.spinner.remove() && userOptions.spinnerReposition && (opening ? (this.positionOnFadeComplete = true) : this.position());
// Store that ajax loading finished
this.ajaxLoaded = true;
// Fire users complete event
// Set up new success event
userOptions.success = function (response)
// Set content
userOptions.setContent && this.setContent(response, true) && (opening ? (this.positionOnFadeComplete = true) : this.position());
// Store content in source element
userOptions.setContent && this.source && this.source.data('jBox-ajax-data', response);
// Fire users success event
// Add error event
userOptions.error = function (response) { (error.bind(this))(response); }.bind(this);
// Send new ajax request
this.ajaxRequest = jQuery.ajax(userOptions);
return this;
// Play an audio file
jBox.prototype.audio = function (url, volume)
// URL is required
if (!url) return this;
// Create intern audio object if it wasn't created already
!jBox._audio && (jBox._audio = {});
// Create an audio element specific to this audio file if it doesn't exist already
if (!jBox._audio[url]) {
var audio = jQuery('<audio/>');
jQuery('<source/>', {src: url + '.mp3'}).appendTo(audio);
jQuery('<source/>', {src: url + '.ogg'}).appendTo(audio);
jBox._audio[url] = audio[0];
// Set volume
jBox._audio[url].volume = Math.min(((volume != undefined ? volume : 100) / 100), 1);
// Try to pause current audio
try {
jBox._audio[url].currentTime = 0;
} catch (e) {}
// Play audio
return this;
// Apply custom animations to jBox
jBox._animationSpeeds = {
'tada': 1000,
'tadaSmall': 1000,
'flash': 500,
'shake': 400,
'pulseUp': 250,
'pulseDown': 250,
'popIn': 250,
'popOut': 250,
'fadeIn': 200,
'fadeOut': 200,
'slideUp': 400,
'slideRight': 400,
'slideLeft': 400,
'slideDown': 400
jBox.prototype.animate = function (animation, options)
// Options are required
!options && (options = {});
// Timout needs to be an object
!this.animationTimeout && (this.animationTimeout = {});
// Use jBox wrapper by default
!options.element && (options.element = this.wrapper);
// Give the element an unique id
!options.element.data('jBox-animating-id') && options.element.data('jBox-animating-id', jBox._getUniqueElementID());
// Abort if element is animating
if (options.element.data('jBox-animating')) {
options.element.removeClass(options.element.data('jBox-animating')).data('jBox-animating', null);
this.animationTimeout[options.element.data('jBox-animating-id')] && clearTimeout(this.animationTimeout[options.element.data('jBox-animating-id')]);
// Animate the element
options.element.addClass('jBox-animated-' + animation).data('jBox-animating', 'jBox-animated-' + animation);
this.animationTimeout[options.element.data('jBox-animating-id')] = setTimeout((function() { options.element.removeClass(options.element.data('jBox-animating')).data('jBox-animating', null); options.complete && options.complete(); }), jBox._animationSpeeds[animation]);
// Destroy jBox and remove it from DOM
jBox.prototype.destroy = function ()
// Detach from attached elements
// If jBox is open, close without delay
this.isOpen && this.close({ignoreDelay: true});
// Remove wrapper
this.wrapper && this.wrapper.remove();
// Remove overlay
this.overlay && this.overlay.remove();
// Remove styles
this._styles && this._styles.remove();
// Tell the jBox instance it is destroyed
this.isDestroyed = true;
return this;
// Get a unique ID for jBoxes
jBox._getUniqueID = (function ()
var i = 1;
return function () { return i++; };
// Get a unique ID for animating elements
jBox._getUniqueElementID = (function ()
var i = 1;
return function () { return i++; };
// Function to create jBox plugins
jBox._pluginOptions = {};
jBox.plugin = function (type, options)
jBox._pluginOptions[type] = options;
// Make jBox usable with jQuery selectors
jQuery.fn.jBox = function (type, options)
// Variables type and object are required
!type && (type = {});
!options && (options = {});
// Return a new instance of jBox with the selector as attached element
return new jBox(type, jQuery.extend(options, {
attach: this
return jBox;