 * jBox Notice plugin: Opens a popup notice
 * Author: Stephan Wagner (https://stephanwagner.me)
 * License: MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
 * Requires: jBox (https://code.jboxcdn.com/jBox.min.js)

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
  new jBox.plugin('Notice', {
    // Options (https://stephanwagner.me/jBox/options#options-notice)
    color: null,      // Add a color to your notices, use 'gray' (default), 'black', 'red', 'green', 'blue' or 'yellow'
    stack: true,      // Set to false to disable notice-stacking
    stackSpacing: 10, // Spacing between notices when they stack
    autoClose: 6000,  // Time in ms after which the notice will disappear
    attributes: {     // Defines where the notice will pop up
      x: 'right',     // 'left' or 'right'
      y: 'top'        // 'top' or 'bottom'
    position: {       // Defines the distance to the viewport boundary
      x: 15,
      y: 15
    responsivePositions: {  // Responsive positions
      500: {                // The key defines the maximum width of the viewport, the values will replace the default position options
        x: 5,               // Start with the lowest viewport
        y: 5
      768: {
        x: 10,
        y: 10
    target: window,
    fixed: true,
    animation: 'zoomIn',
    closeOnClick: 'box',
    zIndex: 12000,
    // Triggered when notice is initialized
    _onInit: function ()
      // Cache position values
      this.defaultNoticePosition = jQuery.extend({}, this.options.position);
      // Type Notice has its own adjust position function
      this._adjustNoticePositon = function () {
        var win = jQuery(window);
        var windowDimensions = {
          x: win.width(),
          y: win.height()
        // Reset default position
        this.options.position = jQuery.extend({}, this.defaultNoticePosition);
        // Adjust depending on viewport
        jQuery.each(this.options.responsivePositions, function (viewport, position) {
          if (windowDimensions.x <= viewport) {
            this.options.position = position;
            return false;
        // Set new padding options
        this.options.adjustDistance = {
          top: this.options.position.y,
          right: this.options.position.x,
          bottom: this.options.position.y,
          left: this.options.position.x
      // If jBox grabs an element as content, crab a clone instead
      this.options.content instanceof jQuery && (this.options.content = this.options.content.clone().attr('id', ''));
      // Adjust paddings when window resizes
      jQuery(window).on('resize.responsivejBoxNotice-' + this.id, function (ev) { if (this.isOpen) { this._adjustNoticePositon(); } }.bind(this));
    // Triggered when notice was created
    _onCreated: function ()
      // Add color class
      this.wrapper.addClass('jBox-Notice-color jBox-Notice-' + (this.options.color || 'gray'));
      // Store position in jBox wrapper
      this.wrapper.data('jBox-Notice-position', this.options.attributes.x + '-' + this.options.attributes.y);
    // Triggered when notice opens
    _onOpen: function ()
      // Adjust position when opening
      // Loop through notices at same window corner and either move or destroy them
      jQuery.each(jQuery('.jBox-Notice'), function (index, el)
        el = jQuery(el);
        // Abort if the element is this notice or when it's not at the same position
        if (el.attr('id') == this.id || el.data('jBox-Notice-position') != this.options.attributes.x + '-' + this.options.attributes.y) return;
        // Remove notice when we don't wont to stack them
        if (!this.options.stack) {
          el.data('jBox').close({ignoreDelay: true});
        // Get the new margin and add to notices
        var margin = (el.data('jBoxNoticeMargin') ? parseInt(el.data('jBoxNoticeMargin')) : parseInt(el.css('margin-' + this.options.attributes.y))) + this.wrapper.outerHeight() + this.options.stackSpacing;
        el.data('jBoxNoticeMargin', margin);
        el.css('margin-' + this.options.attributes.y, margin);
    // Remove notice from DOM when closing finishes
    _onCloseComplete: function ()