#+STARTUP: noindent content #+HUGO_BASE_DIR: /home/flow/Documentos/curro/formacion/uah/mpvd/web/starter-academic-2023 #+HUGO_FRONT_MATTER_FORMAT: toml #+HUGO_AUTHOR: admin #+SEQ_TODO: TODO BORRADOR REVISAR PUBLICADO #+COLUMNS: %TODO %42ITEM %TAGS #+OPTIONS: *:t <:nil ^:nil timestamp:nil #+HUGO_AUTO_SET_LASTMOD: t #+author: admin * Home :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION: home :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :authors '(admin) :END: #+begin_src yaml --- # Leave the homepage title empty to use the site title title: date: 2023-01-074 type: landing sections: - block: hero content: title: Hugo Academic Theme image: filename: hero-academic.png cta: label: '**Get Started**' url: https://wowchemy.com/templates/ cta_alt: label: Ask a question url: https://discord.gg/z8wNYzb cta_note: label: >-
text: |- ,**Generated by Wowchemy - the FREE, Hugo-based open source website builder trusted by 500,000+ sites.** ,**Easily build anything with blocks - no-code required!** From landing pages, second brains, and courses to academic resumés, conferences, and tech blogs. design: background: gradient_end: '#1976d2' gradient_start: '#004ba0' text_color_light: true - block: about.avatar id: about content: # Choose a user profile to display (a folder name within `content/authors/`) username: admin # Override your bio text from `authors/admin/_index.md`? text: - block: features content: title: Skills items: - name: R description: 90% icon: r-project icon_pack: fab - name: Statistics description: 100% icon: chart-line icon_pack: fas - name: Photography description: 10% icon: camera-retro icon_pack: fas - block: experience content: title: Experience # Date format for experience # Refer to https://wowchemy.com/docs/customization/#date-format date_format: Jan 2006 # Experiences. # Add/remove as many `experience` items below as you like. # Required fields are `title`, `company`, and `date_start`. # Leave `date_end` empty if it's your current employer. # Begin multi-line descriptions with YAML's `|2-` multi-line prefix. items: - title: CEO company: GenCoin company_url: '' company_logo: org-gc location: California date_start: '2021-01-01' date_end: '' description: |2- Responsibilities include: ,* Analysing ,* Modelling ,* Deploying - title: Professor of Semiconductor Physics company: University X company_url: '' company_logo: org-x location: California date_start: '2016-01-01' date_end: '2020-12-31' description: Taught electronic engineering and researched semiconductor physics. design: columns: '2' - block: accomplishments content: # Note: `` is used to add a 'soft' hyphen in a long heading. title: 'Accomplishments' subtitle: # Date format: https://wowchemy.com/docs/customization/#date-format date_format: Jan 2006 # Accomplishments. # Add/remove as many `item` blocks below as you like. # `title`, `organization`, and `date_start` are the required parameters. # Leave other parameters empty if not required. # Begin multi-line descriptions with YAML's `|2-` multi-line prefix. items: - certificate_url: https://www.coursera.org date_end: '' date_start: '2021-01-25' description: '' organization: Coursera organization_url: https://www.coursera.org title: Neural Networks and Deep Learning url: '' - certificate_url: https://www.edx.org date_end: '' date_start: '2021-01-01' description: Formulated informed blockchain models, hypotheses, and use cases. organization: edX organization_url: https://www.edx.org title: Blockchain Fundamentals url: https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/uc-berkeleyx-blockchain-fundamentals - certificate_url: https://www.datacamp.com date_end: '2020-12-21' date_start: '2020-07-01' description: '' organization: DataCamp organization_url: https://www.datacamp.com title: 'Object-Oriented Programming in R' url: '' design: columns: '2' - block: collection id: posts content: title: Recent Posts subtitle: '' text: '' # Choose how many pages you would like to display (0 = all pages) count: 5 # Filter on criteria filters: folders: - post author: "" category: "" tag: "" exclude_featured: false exclude_future: false exclude_past: false publication_type: "" # Choose how many pages you would like to offset by offset: 0 # Page order: descending (desc) or ascending (asc) date. order: desc design: # Choose a layout view view: compact columns: '2' - block: portfolio id: projects content: title: Projects filters: folders: - project # Default filter index (e.g. 0 corresponds to the first `filter_button` instance below). default_button_index: 0 # Filter toolbar (optional). # Add or remove as many filters (`filter_button` instances) as you like. # To show all items, set `tag` to "*". # To filter by a specific tag, set `tag` to an existing tag name. # To remove the toolbar, delete the entire `filter_button` block. buttons: - name: All tag: '*' - name: Deep Learning tag: Deep Learning - name: Other tag: Demo design: # Choose how many columns the section has. Valid values: '1' or '2'. columns: '1' view: showcase # For Showcase view, flip alternate rows? flip_alt_rows: false - block: markdown content: title: Gallery subtitle: '' text: |- {{< gallery album="demo" >}} design: columns: '1' - block: collection id: featured content: title: Featured Publications filters: folders: - publication featured_only: true design: columns: '2' view: card - block: collection content: title: Recent Publications text: |- {{% callout note %}} Quickly discover relevant content by [filtering publications](./publication/). {{% /callout %}} filters: folders: - publication exclude_featured: true design: columns: '2' view: citation - block: collection id: talks content: title: Recent & Upcoming Talks filters: folders: - event design: columns: '2' view: compact - block: tag_cloud content: title: Popular Topics design: columns: '2' - block: contact id: contact content: title: Contact subtitle: text: |- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mi diam, venenatis ut magna et, vehicula efficitur enim. # Contact (add or remove contact options as necessary) email: test@example.org phone: 888 888 88 88 appointment_url: 'https://calendly.com' address: street: 450 Serra Mall city: Stanford region: CA postcode: '94305' country: United States country_code: US directions: Enter Building 1 and take the stairs to Office 200 on Floor 2 office_hours: - 'Monday 10:00 to 13:00' - 'Wednesday 09:00 to 10:00' contact_links: - icon: twitter icon_pack: fab name: DM Me link: 'https://twitter.com/Twitter' - icon: skype icon_pack: fab name: Skype Me link: 'skype:echo123?call' - icon: video icon_pack: fas name: Zoom Me link: 'https://zoom.com' # Automatically link email and phone or display as text? autolink: true # Email form provider form: provider: netlify formspree: id: netlify: # Enable CAPTCHA challenge to reduce spam? captcha: false design: columns: '2' --- #+end_src ** Dataviz :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: dataviz :EXPORT_TITLE: Alba G. Corral, docente :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :widget "hero" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 5 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :count 3 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :view 2 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :exclude_featured false :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [header] overlay_color = "#fff" overlay_img = "img/headers/v17.jpg" overlay_filter = 1 [design] columns = "1" [design.background] image = "img/headers/albagcorral.jpg" # Name of image in static/img image_darken = 0 # Darken the image? Range 0-1 where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque image_size = "actual" # Options are cover (default), contain or actual size. text_color_light = true [design.spacing] padding = ["768px", "0", "100px", "0"] #+end_src ** Cuestiones :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: cuestiones :EXPORT_TITLE: MPVD de Periodismo y Visualización de Datos :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :subtitle "Inscripciones abiertas edición 2023-2024" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :widget "featurette" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 45 :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [[feature]] icon = "map-marker-alt" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Dónde" description = "cat /etc/hostname" [[feature]] icon = "clock" icon_pack = "fas" name = "2022-2023" description = "11/22-09/23" [[feature]] icon = "user-circle" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Equipo" description = ">40" [[feature]] icon = "calendar-alt" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Cómo" description = "echo $PATH" [[feature]] icon = "percentage" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Por qué" description = "Pensamiento crítico" [[feature]] icon = "sync-alt" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Cibernética" description = "Aprendemos contigo" #+end_src ** Presentación :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: presentacion :EXPORT_TITLE: :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :widget "blank" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 30 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active true :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [header] overlay_color = "#fff" overlay_img = "img/headers/v17.jpg" overlay_filter = 0.5 [cta] url = "/" label = ' Ahora con Wowchemy' [design] columns = "1" [design.background] text_color_light = "dark" color = "navy" gradient_start = "navy" gradient_end = "#2b94c3" [design.spacing] padding = ["20px", "0", "10px", "0"] #+end_src El Máster de Formación Permanente en Periodismo y Visualización de Datos de la Universidad de Alcalá ha lanzado su edición 2022-2023. Comienza el viernes 18 de noviembre con la presentación del coordinador del máster Adolfo Antón Bravo y la conferencia inaugural de la premio Pulitzer Alison Killing. Las clases finalizan el martes 18 de julio de 2023. Inscripciones abiertas para la edición 2023-2024 Puedes contactarnos por: [[mailto:masterperiodismodata@uah.es][e-mail]], [[https://twitter.com/masteruah][Twitter]], [[https://www.instagram.com/masterperiodismodata/][Instagram]], [[https://vis.social/@mpvd][Mastodon]], [[https://www.facebook.com/masterperiodismodata/][Facebook]], [[https://t.me/datosperiodismo][Telegram]], [[https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12444505/][LinkedIn]] o [[https://matrix.to/#/#mpvd:matrix.egelesta.net][Matrix]] ** Hola Mundo :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: hola_mundo :EXPORT_TITLE: "$echo \"¡Hola, mundo!\"" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :subtitle "Hello World!" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :widget "blank" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 10 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :count 3 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :view 2 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless true :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [design] columns = "1" [design.background] gradient_start = "navy" gradient_end = "DeepSkyBlue" image_darken = 0.7 # Darken the image? Range 0-1 where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque. image_size = "contain" # Options are `cover` (default), `contain`, or `actual` size. image_position = "right" # Options include `left`, `center` (default), or `right`. image_parallax = true # Use a fun parallax-like fixed background effect? true/false text_color_light = true [design.spacing] padding = ["20px", "0", "20px", "0"] #+end_src Desde 2014 hemos organizado talleres de formación de periodismo y visualización de datos en Medialab-Prado, la Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid, la Universidad Politécnica de València, la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha o el Centro Cultural Etopía de Zaragoza, entre otros. También hemos formado parte activa del Grupo de Periodismo de Datos de Medialab-Prado, de Geoinquietos Madrid, de la School of Data de OKFN, de Journocoders o del Datalab de Medialab-Prado. Durante este tiempo hemos constatado que haciendo se aprende mucho; que se necesitan buenas bases sobre las que crecer; que si colaboras ganas; que si dudas y preguntas multiplicas la resolución; que siempre hay apps que molan pero el software libre se mantiene; que la formación en periodismo y visualización de datos como la que planteamos no se realiza formalmente de esta manera en ninguna institución. Por eso lanzamos esta apuesta formativa, porque no hay ninguno igual y porque sigue siendo necesaria esta formación, trasladar esa experiencia a un entorno formal y ofrecer un recorrido completo que capacite en la realización de narrativas basadas en la recopilación, el análisis y la visualización de datos. Tanto esta narrativa como la especial atención a los datos no se circunscribe al mundo del periodismo sino a cualquier persona/entidad que quiera aprender de los datos e incorporarlo a su forma de trabajo y su discurso. ** Habilidades :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: habilidades :EXPORT_TITLE: El contenido como código :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :subtitle "Content as Code" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :widget "featurette" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 70 :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [[feature]] icon = "superpowers" icon_pack = "fab" name = "Pensamiento crítico" description = "20%" [[feature]] icon = "puzzle-piece" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Investigación periodística" description = "20%" [[feature]] icon = "chart-line" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Visualización" description = "20%" [[feature]] icon = "database" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Datos" description = "20%" [[feature]] icon = "heart" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Arte" description = "20%" [[feature]] icon = "code" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Digital" description = "100%" #+end_src ** Claustro :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: claustro :EXPORT_TITLE: Quiénes somos :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :subtitle "Conoce nuestro equipo" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :widget "people" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless true :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 10 :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [content] user_groups = ["Profesorado", "Talleres", "Charlas", "Alumni"] [design] # # Show user's social networking links? (true/false) show_social = true # # Show user's interests? (true/false) show_interests = false # # Show user's role? show_role = false # # Show user's organizations/affiliations? show_organizations = false #+end_src Somos datos. Contamos con un amplio bagaje en el mundo de los datos: periodismo y visualización pero también en sistemas de información geográfica, procesamiento de lenguaje natural, bases de datos, arte y tecnología, nuevas narrativas, multimedia, transmedia, entornos web, lenguajes de programación... ** Guía docente :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: guia_docente :EXPORT_TITLE: Guía docente :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :subtitle "Diez módulos para dominar el periodismo y la visualización de datos" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :widget "portfolio" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 50 :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [content] page_type = "modulo" filter_default = 0 [design] columns = "2" view = 1 flip_alt_rows = false [design.background] gradient_start = "DarkBlue" gradient_end = "Blue" text_color_light = true [design.spacing] padding = ["20px", "0", "20px", "0"] #+end_src ** Blog :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: blog :EXPORT_TITLE: Blog :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :subtitle "Diario de a bordo" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :widget "pages" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 60 :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless "true" :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [content] page_type = "post" count = 0 offset = 0 order = "desc" [content.filters] tag = "" category = "" publication_type = "" author = "" exclude_featured = false [design] view = "compact" columns = "2" flip_alt_rows = true #+end_src ** Multimedia :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: multimedia :EXPORT_TITLE: Multimedia :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :subtitle "Más allá del blog" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :widget "portfolio" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight 80 :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [content] page_type = "multimedia" filter_default = 1 offset = 0 count = 0 order = "desc" [content.filters] tag = "bash" [design] columns = "2" view = "4" flip_alt_rows = true #+end_src ** Contacto :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: contacto :EXPORT_TITLE: Contacto :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :subtitle "24x7x365" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :widget "contact" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :headless "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :active "true" :EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER+: :weight "90" :END: #+begin_src toml :front_matter_extra t [content] autolink = true [form] provider = "formspree" [formspree] id = "xwkrrpnr" #+end_src Que no sea por medios :unicorn: * COMMENT Local Variables :ARCHIVE: # Local Variables: # eval: (org-hugo-auto-export-mode) # End: