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synced 2025-03-13 05:00:20 +01:00
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109 lines
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import urllib2
import sys, csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import string
printable = set(string.printable)
# Abre un csv de lectura para leer los datos
f = open('embalses.csv','r')
reader = csv.reader(f)
# Abre un csv de escritura para volcar los datos
f2 = open('embalses-snczi.csv','w')
writer = csv.writer(f2)
names = ["codpresa", "Nombre", "Otro nombre", "Fecha", "Anyo", "Rio", "Municipio", "Cuenca", "Provincia", "x", "y", "Tipos"]
writer.writerow([unicode(s).encode("utf-8") for s in names])
# url base para query WMS GetFeatureInfo 1x1:
baseurl = "http://wms.mapama.es/sig/Agua/Presas/wms.aspx"
params = "?version=1.1.1&request=GetFeatureInfo&layers=Presas&styles=default&SRS=EPSG:32630&width=1&height=1&info_format=text/plain&X=0&Y=0&query_layers=Presas&startIndex=0&bbox="
rownum = 0
for row in reader:
if rownum > 0:
nombre = row[1]
year = row[7].split("-")[2]
# Filtro Franco
if year:
year = int(year)
if year > 1938 and year < 1974:
x = int(row[9])
y = int(row[10])
txt = ""
d = 0;
while len(txt) < 10:
d += 100
xmin = str(x - d)
ymin = str(y - d)
xmax = str(x + d)
ymax = str(y + d)
url = baseurl + params + xmin + "," + ymin + "," + xmax + "," + ymax
txt = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
print len(txt)
# print "BUSQUEDA"
# print url
datos = txt.split(";")
codigo = datos[12]
# Descargamos ficha
ficha = "http://sig.mapama.es/93/ClienteWS/snczi/default.aspx?nombre=PRESA&claves=DGAGUA.PRESAS.CODPRESA&valores="+codigo
html = urllib2.urlopen(ficha).read()
# print "FICHA"
# print ficha
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
h2 = soup.find("h2")
if h2:
data = ["---", "---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---","---"]
print h2
data[0] = codigo
trs = soup.find("table").findAll("tr", attrs={"class": "alt"})
for tr in trs:
th = tr.find("th").text.strip()
td = tr.find("td")
if "Nombre de la presa" in th:
data[1] = td.text.strip()
if "Otro Nombre" in th:
data[2] = td.text.strip()
if "Fecha de finaliza" in th:
data[3] = td.text.strip()
dmy = data[3].split("-")
data[4] = dmy[2]
if "en el que se encuentra la presa" in th:
data[5] = td.text.strip()
if "Municipio" in th:
data[6] = td.text.strip()
if "Cuenca hidro" in th:
data[7] = td.text.strip()
if "Provincia" in th:
data[8] = td.text.strip()
if "Coordenadas" in th:
coords = td.text.strip()
xy = coords.split(" - ")
data[9] = xy[0]
data[10] = xy[1]
if "Tipos" in th:
data[11] = td.text.strip()
nombre = filter(lambda x: x in printable, nombre)
data[12] = nombre
if "Riego" in data[11]:
print "DATOS"
print nombre
print data[1]
writer.writerow([unicode(s).encode("utf-8") for s in data])
print "error"
rownum += 1