George Cushen 9ed74b5ba7 feat: remove "_files$" from Hugo's default ignoreFiles
For blogdown projects, this means that any figures produced by knitting any .Rmd or .Rmarkdown files will be ignored by the Hugo build. To make them appear in a deployed site, blogdown users will need to remove this item from ignoreFiles in their configuration file.

2020-12-13 21:53:11 +00:00

110 lines
3.1 KiB

# Configuration of Hugo
# Guide:
# Hugo Documentation:
# This file is formatted using TOML syntax - learn more at
# Each configuration section is defined by a name in square brackets (e.g. `[outputs]`).
# Title of your site
title = "Academic"
# The URL of your site.
# End your URL with a `/` trailing slash, e.g. ``.
baseurl = ""
# Enter a copyright notice to display in the site footer.
# To display a copyright symbol, type `©`. For current year, type `{year}`.
copyright = ""
## Advanced options below ##
# Get last modified date for content from Git?
enableGitInfo = false
# Default language to use (if you setup multilingual support)
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
hasCJKLanguage = false # Set `true` for Chinese/Japanese/Korean languages.
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false
removePathAccents = true # Workaround for
summaryLength = 30 # Listing summary length in words. Also, see `abstract_length` in `params.toml`.
paginate = 10 # Number of items per page in paginated lists.
enableEmoji = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
footnotereturnlinkcontents = "<sup>^</sup>"
ignoreFiles = ["\\.ipynb$", ".ipynb_checkpoints$", "\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_cache$"]
# Workaround Hugo publishing taxonomy URLs as plurals - consistently use singular across Academic.
authors = "/author/:slug/"
tags = "/tag/:slug/"
categories = "/category/:slug/"
publication_types = "/publication-type/:slug/"
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON", "WebAppManifest" ]
section = [ "HTML", "RSS" ]
suffixes = ["webmanifest"]
mediaType = "application/manifest+json"
rel = "manifest"
# Configure the Markdown renderer.
defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
unsafe = true # Enable user to embed HTML snippets in Markdown content.
codeFences = false # Disable Hugo's code highlighter as it conflicts with Academic's highligher.
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 3
resampleFilter = "lanczos"
quality = 75
anchor = "smart" # Anchor for cropping. Options include Smart and Center.
# Taxonomies.
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
publication_type = "publication_types"
author = "authors"
# Related content.
threshold = 80.0
includeNewer = true
toLower = true
name = "title"
weight = 60.0
name = "summary"
weight = 50.0
name = "tags"
weight = 80.0
name = "categories"
weight = 70.0
name = "authors"
weight = 20.0
# Install Wowchemy
path = ""