2017-10-18 22:17:35 +02:00

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DataMad 17

Portal con la información para el DataMad17

Local development

Check if you have all requirements for local environment. To install all development dependencies install Bundler.

    gem install bundler

and run next command from root folder:

  bundle install

To start Jekyll run:

    jekyll serve -w

Site will be available at or http://localhost:4000/datamad17/ (on Windows)

**NOTE:** in this mode all changes to html and data files will be automatically regenerated, but after changing ```_config.yml``` you have to restart server.

### Resolving dependences for Ubuntu 16:

	sudo apt install libxml2-dev
	sudo apt install gcc make zlib1g-dev sqlite3
	sudo gem install nokogiri

Instala las gems de ruby que hay en el gemfile:

	bundle install

lanza el servidor de jekyll desde el directorio local:

	bundle exec jekyll serve

Sass(Compass) support

Note: You need to install Node.js

To watch changes of .sass files and compile it to the .css on a fly change property safe: true to safe: false in _config.yml. Note: It works only on local machine, because GitHub runs Jekyll in --save mode

Learn more about Sass development from documentation.

Resource optimizations (optional)

You can optimize images and minify css and javascript automatically (for now only on Windows). But for Mac OS users available amazing tool - imageoptim. Thanks @raphaelsavina for link. Optimize all images by running this script from /automation/images/ folder:

    all_image_optimization.bat -d -jtran -pout -pquant -optip -gsicle -svgo

To minify CSS and JS run minify_js.bat (for Windows) and (for Linux and MacOS) from /automation/minifying/ folder:


Learn more about available optimization options from documentation.


Quick-start guide is not enough? Checkout full documentation.

Used libraries


Based en Project zeppelin