2017-10-10 18:09:46 +02:00

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## Web para el DataMad 17
## Local development
Check if you have [all requirements for local environment](
To install all development dependencies install [Bundler](
gem install bundler
and run next command from root folder:
bundle install
To start Jekyll run:
jekyll serve -w
Site will be available at or http://localhost:4000/datamad17/ (on Windows)
**NOTE:** in this mode all changes to html and data files will be automatically regenerated, but after changing ```_config.yml``` you have to restart server.
### Resolving dependences for Ubuntu 16:
sudo apt install libxml2-dev
sudo apt install gcc make zlib1g-dev sqlite3
sudo gem install nokogiri
Instala las gems de ruby que hay en el gemfile:
bundle install
lanza el servidor de jekyll desde el directorio local:
bundle exec jekyll serve
### Sass(Compass) support
**Note:** You need to install [Node.js](
To watch changes of `.sass` files and compile it to the `.css` on a fly change property `safe: true` to `safe: false` in `_config.yml`.
**Note: It works only on local machine, because GitHub runs Jekyll in `--save` [mode](**
Learn more about Sass development from [documentation](
### Resource optimizations (optional)
You can optimize images and minify css and javascript automatically (for now only on Windows).
But for Mac OS users available amazing tool - [imageoptim]( Thanks [@raphaelsavina]( for link.
Optimize all images by running this script from `/automation/images/` folder:
all_image_optimization.bat -d -jtran -pout -pquant -optip -gsicle -svgo
To minify CSS and JS run `minify_js.bat` (for Windows) and `` (for Linux and MacOS) from `/automation/minifying/` folder:
Learn more about available optimization options from [documentation](
### Documentation
Quick-start guide is not enough? Checkout [full documentation](
### Used libraries
* [Bootstrap](
* [Animate.css](
* [Waves](
* [jquery.appear](
* [jQuery countTo Plugin](
* [Typed.js](
* [Sticky-kit](
### About
Based en [](Project zeppelin)