George Cushen 8296df5067 theme: upgrade to latest v4.1 dev (talk front matter upgraded)

- Project and Custom widgets renamed (upgraded)
- Rearranges section positions and adds demo section to introduce
the template and help the user get started
2019-02-27 22:34:04 +00:00

46 lines
1.2 KiB

# Accomplishments widget.
widget = "accomplishments" # Do not modify this line!
active = true # Activate this widget? true/false
title = "Accomplish­ments"
subtitle = ""
# Order that this section will appear in.
weight = 50
# Date format
# Refer to
date_format = "Jan 2006"
# Accomplishments.
# Add/remove as many `[[item]]` blocks below as you like.
# `title`, `organization` and `date_start` are the required parameters.
# Leave other parameters empty if not required.
# Begin/end multi-line descriptions with 3 quotes `"""`.
title = "Neural Networks and Deep Learning"
organization = "Coursera"
certificate_url = ""
date_start = "2018-10-01"
date_end = ""
description = ""
title = "Blockchain Fundamentals"
organization = "edX"
certificate_url = ""
date_start = "2018-03-01"
date_end = ""
description = ""
title = "Intro to Python"
organization = "DataCamp"
certificate_url = ""
date_start = "2017-07-01"
date_end = "2017-12-21"
description = ""